Calendar of Events for June 19, 2002
Fax items for Calendar of Events to (304) 624-4188, e-mail to or mail them to The Exponent Telegram, P.O. Box 2000, Clarksburg, WV 26302. Items will not be taken over the phone. Items should be brief and must include a contact person and phone number. Deadline for submission is noon Monday through Friday, no exceptions.
WEST VIRGINIA Italian Heritage Festival board meeting 7 p.m., festival office, 309 Clark St., Glen Elk section of Clarksburg.
ROOSEVELT-WILSON High School Class of 1946 breakfast meeting 9:30 a.m., Ponderosa restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: Toots Britton, 622-0618.
AL-ANON MEETINGS 8 p.m., Christ Episcopal Church, Clarksburg. Call: Peg, 623-9156.
Today, June 22, 26-29 and July 3-6
ELKINS SHAKESPEARE Festival opens 8 p.m., Davis & Elkins College. Call: (800) 624-3157, ext. 1289, (304) 637-1289.
FREE INFORMATION session for adult students, sponsored by Fairmont State Community and Technical College, noon and 3 p.m. at Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library. Call: (800) 372-8632, ext. 1, 367-4892.
STONEWALL JACKSON Amateur Radio Association monthly meeting 7:30 p.m., St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Clarksburg.
AMERICAN LEGION Unit 31 regular monthly meeting 6 p.m., Bridge Street post home, Shinnston. Covered-dish dinner and meeting 7 p.m. Call: Roxie Williams, 592-5231, Margaret Yost, 592-1721, after 5:30 p.m.
JACKSON LODGE 35, A.F.&A.M., Good Hope, annual chicken dinner at 6:15 p.m., lodge at 7:30 p.m., post home. Call: Earl Langley, 624-0217.
HARRISON County Historical Society open house to celebrate West Virginia's 139th birthday 11 a.m.-4 p.m., museum headquarters, Stealey-Goff-Vance House, 123 W. Main St., Clarksburg. Refreshments. Flag made in 1863 on display.
MILITARY ORDER of Purple Heart Chapter 418, Clarksburg, meets 7 p.m., Ponderosa Steakhouse, Bridgeport. First-timers bring copy of D.D. 214 or discharge papers. Application: Harold Wilson, 842-5846, or Commander Bill Reckton, 622-9750.
GOLDEN HORSESHOE winners reunion begins 9 a.m., Glenville State College, Glenville. Call: (304) 462-7361, ext 230; e-mail:; write: The Golden Horseshoe Office, P.O. Box 2733, Glenville State College, Glenville, WV 26351.
WEST VIRGINIA DAY celebration, Prickett's Fort State Park, Exit 139 off Interstate 79. Call: 363-3030, (800) CALL WVA. Web site:
BLOOD SUGAR and blood pressure clinic, Lewis County Senior Center, 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Open to the public.
HISPANIC HERITAGE Cultural Association meeting 3 p.m., Harrison County Senior Center in Clarksburg. Board meets 2:30 p.m. Plans for annual fiesta picnic will be discussed.
NORBA National Championship Mountain Bike Series race, Snowshoe Mountain Resort. Call: (877) 441-4FUN or check out
AMERICAN RED Cross and Clarksburg City Parks offer beginning swimming lessons, Level 1, from 7-8 p.m., Clarksburg Municipal Pool, Veterans Memorial Park. Ages 5-15. Call: 624-7689.
DODDRIDGE COUNTY Park will be closed to the public June 17-21 for 4-H Camp.
MONROE Chapel United Methodist Church Vacation Bible School 6-8 p.m., church at Romine Mills. Theme: "Faith Mountain."
WEST VIRGINIA Summer Teachers' Environmental Workshop, Boy Scout Camp, Middle Fork River, Upshur County. Cost: $50, $10 a day, includes food and lodging. Call: (304) 472-3704.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at United Methodist Temple, corner of Locust and Sycamore, Clarksburg. For preschool to sixth grade. Call: Pam Guice, 623-3542.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL from 6:30-8:30 p.m., Duck Creek Mission Church, Lost Creek. Theme: "Son Country Farm." Crafts, Bible lessons, snacks, songs. Classes for preschool through teens. Call: 745-3544, 884-7043.
ICE CREAM social 5-7 p.m., Bethlehem Presbyterian Church, Shinnston.
VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1956 summer picnic 3 p.m., Lion Park, Jane Lew. Bring covered dish and drink. Call: 623-4743.
MOONLIGHT and Roses Dance 8:30 p.m., Lewis County Senior Citizens Center. Call: Sissy Riley, Ellen Wagoner, 269-5738.
LIONS CLUB of Clarksburg meeting noon, Minard's restaurant.
BROAD OAKS United Methodist Church Thrift Shop open every Friday and Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m., corner of Haymond Highway and Ross Street.
THEME for Vacation Bible School, "Son Canyon Adventure," Mt. Carmel Baptist Church, between Kincheloe and Two Lick Road. Times: 6-8:30 p.m. Call: Kelly Shuman, 884-6732.
SAGEBRUSH Round-Up, Bunner Ridge, near Fairmont. Country music begins 6 p.m., show 7 p.m. Cost: $2 adults, children under 12 free. Call: 363-4864, (304) 292-5854.
CAR WASH 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Advance Auto Parts, 417 Buckhannon Ave., Nutter Fort. Sponsored by South Harrison baseball team. Call; 745-3249, 745-5714.
VICTORY High School Class of 1954 summer picnic noon, Eugene Jaumot's camp, left to Twin Lake, Audra Road. Meat, tableware, soft drinks furnished. Bring covered dish. Call: Jaumot, 842-4384; e-mail:
YARD SALE 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Meadowbrook Church of Christ. Call: 622-0490.
LAMP-MAUL reunion, 10 a.m., Route 16-Ritchie County 4-H Camp, Harrisville.
FIELD DAY by American Radio Relay League, Big Bear Lake, Preston County. Time/information: Dick Wilt, 842-4041; Internet:
79TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE of West Virginia State Association of Improved Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the World, Holiday Inn, Bridgeport.
LUMBERPORT High School Alumni Association open meeting 2 p.m., Lumberport Methodist Church. Call: Donna Lopez, 622-2602.
AL-ANON meetings 7 p.m. Sundays, St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Clarksburg. Call: Nancy, 624-6038.
THE DEAN FAMILY performs 10:45 a.m., Bridgeport Baptist Church. Covered dish. Call: 842-5771.
SLOVAK-POLISH Society meeting, 1 p.m., Parkette Family Restaurant, U.S. 50, Bridgeport.
REVIVAL at 7:30 p.m., Teens for Christ Pentecostal Church, U.S. 119 North, Philippi. Hosted by Ministers of Preparation Chapel Ministries. Different speakers each day. Call: Carol Stonebreaker, 457-3585.
VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1958 meeting to plan for October reunion 7 p.m., North View Methodist Church. Call: Gaylene, 623-2775, Jim, 622-6147.
WOMEN'S AGLOW meeting 6:30 p.m., Everlasting Covenant Church, Middletown Mall, Fairmont. Guest minister: Sharon Buonaiuto.
WEST MILFORD Lions Club bi-monthly meeting 6 p.m., West Milford Community Center. Installation of 2002-03 officers. Ladies Nite. Call: 745-3285.
CLARKSBURG KNIGHTS of Columbus No. 872 holds First Degree Exemplification 7:30 p.m. -- candidates 7 p.m. -- Robert Petitto KOC Hall, Clarksburg. Call: Joe Tiano, 622-0248.
WOMEN OF THE MOOSE, Clarksburg Chapter No. 409, meets 7 p.m., Loyal Order of Moose No. 52 lodge.
STEWART CHAPEL Free Will Baptist Church Vacation Bible School 6:30-8:30 p.m., Lost Creek Road. Ages 3 through adult.
AMERICAN RED CROSS and Clarksburg City Parks offer beginning swimming lessons, Level 2, from 7-8 p.m., Clarksburg Municipal Pool, Veterans Memorial Park. Ages 5-15. Call: 624-7689.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL at Nutter Fort Union Mission Church from 6-8 p.m. Mrs. Bobbie Lee, director. Theme: "Faith Mountain." Ice cream party Friday after program in the fellowship hall.
SIMPSON CREEK Vacation Bible School 9 a.m.-12:15 p.m., 231 W. Philadelphia Ave., Bridgeport. Theme: "Amazon Outfitters." Ages: Kindergarten-fifth grade. Call: 842-3589.
"FAITH MOUNTAIN" Vacation Bible School for preschool through sixth grade at Faith Christian Fellowship, W.Va. 20 south of Clarksburg. Times: 9:30 a.m.-noon Monday through Thursday, Friday picnic and program 5:30 p.m. Night with Time Out Production inflatables. Registration: 622-1038.
VACATION BIBLE School, Church of God, Liberty Addition, Clarksburg, 6-8:30 p.m. each day. All welcome. Call: Karen Richards, 782-2578.
WILSONBURG LIONS Club bi-monthly covered-dish meeting 6:30 p.m., church. Installation of new officers, member cook-out. Reservations: Lion Paul Watson, 842-3158.
ELK LICK Church of God prayer meeting 9 a.m., Salem. Pastor Paul Flanigan. Call: 782-1038.
WASHINGTON IRVING High School classes of 1945 and '46 bi-monthly luncheon meeting 12:30 p.m., Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: Diane Hurley, 842-4288, Betty Gaston, 622-4678, Gerald "Bud" McClain, 842-3459.
PRAYER MEETING 9 a.m., Evangel Baptist Church, Airport Road, Bridgeport. Call: 848-0441.
SILVER-HAIRED Legislature election at Harrison County Senior Center
MARION COUNTY P.A.T.C.H. Coalition meeting 3:30 p.m., Unity Terrace Neighborhood Network, Fairmont. Call: Sharon Hines-Stringer, 367-7547.
HARRISON COUNTY Board of Education meeting 4 p.m., Kelly Miller Building auditorium.
TEEN DANCE at Middletown Mall 9 p.m.-midnight. Call: 363-3230.
FREE INFORMATION session for adult students, sponsored by Fairmont State Community and Technical College, noon-3 p.m. at Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library. Call: (800) 372-8632, ext. 1, 367-4892.
AL-ANON MEETINGS 8 p.m. Wednesdays, Christ Episcopal Church, Clarksburg. Call: Peg, 623-9156.
MARINE CORPS League D.H.L. Detachment 981 meets 7 p.m., VFW Post 573, Clarksburg. Application: Commandant Bobby Lee Woodard, 745-4495, or Harold Wilson, 842-5846.
WEST VIRGINIA TRAVELERS Inc. of Fairmont meets 10:30 a.m., Middletown Mall. 363-7177.
CARBIDE RETIREE Corps Inc. get-together, West Milford Town Hall. Social time 11:30 a.m., covered-dish luncheon noon. Bring covered dish. Entertainment by Barbershop Quartet.
PUBLIC INFORMATION meetings for Harrison County Transportation Study. June 26: 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Lincoln High School, Shinnston. June 27: 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Benedum Civic Center, Shinnston. Call: Bill Troe, (402) 952-2522.
HERITAGE YOUTH activities at Fort New Salem. Times/dates: Fort New Salem at 782-5245.
LUNCHEON MEETING for Victory High School Class of 1947 at 1 p.m., Raymon's restaurant, Clarksburg. Call: Jerry Hawkinberry, 782-1575.
YOUTH COUNCIL meeting 10 a.m., Booth Library, Davis & Elkins College campus. Call: Michelle Markovich, 368-9530.
VICTORY High School Class of 1949 luncheon meeting 12:30 p.m., Ponderosa Steakhouse. Call: Jim Nichols, 623-2138, Argyle Shingleton, 622-3198, Duane Daniels, 592-3277, Dave Goldsmith, (304) 866-3314.
LUMBERPORT LIONS Club meeting 6:30 p.m., Sunset-Ellis restaurant, near Shinnston.
QUEEN ESTHER Chapter No. 11, Order of the Eastern Star, meets 7:30 p.m. Masonic Temple. Installation of officers.
BLOOD PRESSURE clinic, Lewis County Senior Center, 9:30 a.m.-11 a.m. Open to the public.
ANNUAL COOKOUT/covered- dish dinner 6 p.m., Lewis County Senior Center. Hot dogs, hamburgers and drinks. All welcome. Entertainment at 7 p.m.
"WIZARD OF OZ" performances, Bridgeport High School Theater. Times/information: 842-3693.
WEST VIRGINIA Folklife Center at Fairmont State College hosts Summer Seminar for Teachers, FSC main campus. Call: Dr. Byers, 356-4286; e-mail:
MARY THRASH photo exhibit, Second Floor Gallery, Clarkburg-Harrison Public Library. Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday 1-6 p.m. Call 627-2236.
Through June 28 and July 8 through 19
SWIMMING lessons 9:30-10:20 a.m., East Marion Wave Pool. Ages 6-12. Cost: $35 a child, $30 additional children. Pre-registration: Marion County Parks and Recreation, 363-7037.
WASHINGTON IRVING High School Class of 1953 monthly breakfast meeting 9 a.m., Raymon's restaurant, Clarksburg. Call: Joellen Allman, 745-3196.
GAZING BACK IN TIME Festival, Marion County Historical Society Museum. Call: 367-5398.
SECOND ANNUAL Gold Dollar Days, downtown Weston. Call: Lewis County Visitors Bureau, 269-7328.
WILSONBURG LIONS Club mop, broom and used book sale 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Meadowbrook Mall community booth. Proceeds benefit community services. Call: Lion Phyllis Brown, 622-4421.
24 HOURS OF SNOWSHOE, mountain bike team relay race, Snowshoe Mountain resort. Call: (877) 441-4FUN or check out or
GOSPEL SING 1 p.m., Mt. Lebanon Church, Kincheloe. Dinner at noon. Featuring: David Bowen.
"INVITE A FRIEND" Sunday 10:45 a.m., Bridgeport Baptist Church. Call: 842-5771.
COUNTRY MUSIC concert at 2 p.m., Bowyer Farm, across from Doug's Hydroponic Tomato Green House, Isaacs Creek Road, Good Hope. Donation. Call: Bill Bowyer, 745-3689.
ZIESING JUNIOR HIGH picnic. Lunch provided at noon. Clarksburg City Park, Nutter Fort, Concession Pavilion.
AL-ANON meetings 7 p.m. Sundays, St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Clarksburg. Call: Nancy, 624-6038.
KODOL-KNOB Fork Community Elementary Schools' Alumni Association annual reunion, 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m., Wileyville Fire Hall, West Virginia 7, Wileyville. All previous teachers and students of one-room, two-room or three-room schools within Wetzel County are invited. Visitors and friends also welcome. Bring covered dish or picnic lunch, along with table setting and beverage.
CONCERT ON THE PATIO, guitar quintet featuring John Vaughn, Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library. Also opening of Harrison County Cultural Foundaton art exhibit; 2-4 p.m. For information, call Diane at 627-2236.
GOSPEL CONCERT, featuring New Identity, the Rising Sons, Crossover and more; 3 p.m., The Rose Garden Theatre. Tickets $5. For reservations, call 622-8479 or 624-1982.
ROOSEVELT WILSON High School Class of 1939 annual picnic, noon at Watters Smith State Park activities building. Call Eugene at 623-5286 or Lillian at 842-6425.
ENERGY EXPRESS AmeriCorps begins 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Applications: Harrison County Parks and Recreation, 624-8619.
SHINNSTON COMMUNITY Band presents second annual Independence Day concert and fireworks 8 p.m., Shinnston City Park. Rain date: July 2.
GARDEN COUNCIL of Harrison County meets 10 a.m., Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library.
HARRISON COUNTY Board of Education regular meeting follows 4 p.m. statutory meeting, Kelly Miller Building auditorium.
WILSONBURG LIONS Club board meeting 7 p.m., church. Call: President Tina Canon, 783-5381.
WILSONBURG LIONS Club hot dog sale 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Wilsonburg Elementary School. Proceeds benefit community services. Call: President Tina Canon, 783-5381.
VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1964 breakfast meeting 9:30 a.m., Raymon's restaurant, Clarksburg. Call: Sam Annie, 623-1100.
VICTORY High School Class of 1954 monthly meeting 6 p.m., Eat 'N Park restaurant.
WEST MILFORD LIONS Club bi-monthly meeting 6:30 p.m., Community Center. 745-3285.
HIT THE GROUND Running free program through Opportunity Council. Preparation to prepare for GED, more schooling or choice of profession, call: 873-3216.
SIMPSON CREEK Baptist Church Musicamp 8:45 a.m.-12:10 p.m. at church. Cost: $5, includes T-shirt. Registration: 842-3589.
PRAYER MEETING 9 a.m., Full Gospel Chapel, Washington Avenue, Clarksburg. Pastor Hayward Minear. Call: 623-4690.
MONTHLY luncheon meeting of Veterans of Oil and Gas Industries, Jane Lew Family Restaurant, Jane Lew. Social hour 11 a.m., luncheon noon.
OLAN MLLS takes pictures at Bridgeport Baptist Church. Free 8 by 10 inch photo. Appointment: 842-5771.
WEST VIRGINIA Longrifle Association mini show at Prickett's Fort State Park near Fairmont. All non-contemporary Longrifle Association guests asked to donate $2 at door. Contact: Joe Scott (3040 463-4397.
BASKET MAKING, old-time surveying and rug-hooking workshops, Fort New Salem. Times/information: 782-5245.
VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1965 picnic begins 11 a.m., Maple Shelter, Clarksburg City Park, Nutter Fort. Call: Mike, 269-3399, Prudy, 622-0061, Flora, 622-2129, Ellen, 457-3097.
ROOSEVELT-WILSON Class of 1965 breakfast meeting 9 a.m., Dave's Restaurant, Nutter Fort. Call: Connie Poling, 622-5551, Ilene Corathers, 745-5444.
SECOND ANNUAL Biker Sunday begins 10:30 a.m., Jewel City Church, Shinnston. Bike ride 2 p.m. Call: 592-5755. Rain date: July 28.
ARTSAFARI, celebration of kids in the arts at The Rose Garden Theatre. Variety of area performance groupos. Tickets $5. Reservations: 624-1982, or 622-8479.
VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1964 dinner meeting 6:30 p.m., Clique Club restaurant, old Bridgeport Hill. Call: Sam Annie, 623-1100.
PARENT EDUCATION Project classes 6:30 p.m., United Summit Center, Clarksburg. Topic: "Family Fun. Register: Pam Harper, 623-5661, Melody, 842-5632.
PRAYER MEETING 9 a.m., God's Word of Life Church, U.S. 50 east of Bridgeport. Pastor Marty Basil. Call: 842-5485.
HARRISON COUNTY Board of Education regular meeting 4 p.m., Kelly Miller Building auditorium.
LIBERTY HIGH School Class of 1982 20-year reunion with picnic and dinner/dance. Send classmates' addresses to Jon Kinney, 842-8566; e-mail: Register:
EIGHTH ANNUAL Glen Elk Festival on Baltimore Avenue, Glen Elk, Clarksburg. Opens 6 p.m. July 19; 10 a.m.-10 p.m. July 20. To participate: 623-3514.
KNITTING 101 workshop, Fort New Salem. Time/information: 782-5245.
COMMUNITY CARNIVAL, Summit Park Volunteer Fire Department. Times: Saturday 9 a.m.-9 p.m.; Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; parade at 6:30 p.m. July 20. Games, prizes, fire truck rides, bands, dunking booth. Call: 622-3363.
SUMMER PROGRAMS for ages 4-12 by West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and Blind in Romney. Call: Jane McBride, (304) 822-4800, or
WEST MILFORD LIONS Club hosts East Lewis Lions Club for picnic at 6:30 p.m., Watters Smith State Park. 745-3285.
JAMBOREE at the Mill 7 p.m., WVU Jackson's Mill near Weston. Sponsored by Lewis County 4-H and Lewis County Livestock Club. Call: 269-7328.
PRAYER MEETING 9 a.m., Grafton First Baptist Church, U.S. 119 south of Grafton. Pastor Tom Horne. Call: 842-6552.
EIGHTH ANNUAL Lewis County Fair, WVU Jackson's Mill airstrip. Carnival, music, livestock show and sale, mud bog, demolition derby. Cost: $8. Call: Lewis County Visitors Bureau, 269-7328.
LEWIS COUNTY Fair Livestock Show and Sale, Jackson's Mill air strip. Animal exhibits accepts 4-6 p.m. July 24. Call: 269-7328.
LUMINARIA CEREMONY honors cancer survivors 9 p.m., Buckhannon-Upshur High School football stadium. Call: American Cancer Society, 472-9049, (800) ACS-2345; Web site:
VICTORIAN Feather Tree workshop, Fort New Salem. Time/information: 782-5245.
PRAYER MEETING 9 a.m., Harmony Grove Baptist Church, Harmony Grove Road. Pastor Brian Boggess. Call: 366-1009.
BLACKBERRY FESTIVAL at Clarksburg City Park, Nutter Fort. Applications for vendors, crafters and parade. Write: P.O. Box 8088, Nutter Fort, WV 26301. Call: 623-0484, 622-3206.
SECOND ANNUAL Salem Citywide Yard Sale 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Rental spaces at Salem Depot, 8x10 feet, $5. Registration: Maxine Mason, 782-1832; e-mail:
NATURAL DYES and Make a Bucket workshops, Fort New Salem. Times/information: 782-5245.
CITY OF SHINNSTON second annual citywide yard sale 8 a.m.-3 p.m. To participate $5, to be donated to Lord's Pantry. Call: Nilah Haggerty, 592-5559.
PRAYER MEETING 9 a.m., House of Faith, U.S. 19 North at Erie. Pastor Delores White. Call: 622-2538.
UNITED WAY of Monongalia County's 10th annual Greatest Garage Sale on Earth at Spruce Street Parking Garage, Morgantown. Food, concession stand, entertainment, arts, crafts. Call: 296-7525.
VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1965 monthly breakfast 9 a.m.-noon, Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: Mike, 269-3399, Prudy, 622-0061, Flora, 622-2129, Ellen 457-3097.
MARSHVILLE COMMUNITY Homecoming, noon to 4 p.m., Community Center; cake, punch provided; bring pictures.
WEST MILFORD LIONS Club bi-monthly meeting 6:30 p.m., Community Center.
PARENT EDUCATION Project classes annual picnic 6:30 p.m., United Summit Center, Clarksburg. Topic: Register: Pam Harper, 623-5661, Melody, 842-5632.
PRAYER MEETING 9 a.m., Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Patterson Road, Salem. Pastor Jon Hayes. Call: 782-3515.
PHILIP BARBOUR High School Class of 1987 15-year reunion. Call: Kelly Hawkins, 457-3951, Kris Rosier, 457-1308, Laurel Dottellis, 842-2217, Stacy Hunt, 739-2782.
ADULT SUMMER Reading program at Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library. Call: Diane Davis, 627-2236.
SUMMER READING program for children begins 10:30-11:30 a.m., Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library, Clarksburg. Theme: "Catch a Dragon by the Tail." Crafts, movies, prizes. Call: 627-2236.
PRAYER MEETING 9 a.m., Salem Church of God, State Street, Salem. Pastor James Noel. Call: 782-3070.
WEST MILFORD LIONS Club meets East Lewis Lions Club 6:30 p.m., for family picnic, Lewis County Park. 745-3285.
PRAYER MEETING 9 a.m., Upper Room Church, South 24th St., Clarksburg. Pastor Frank Shreve. Call: 622-7651.
18TH ANNUAL Jane Lew Fireman's Arts and Crafts Festival, Jane Lew Fire Department, one mile from exit 105. Call: Ellen Ball, 304-457-3097.
APPLICATIONS BEING accepted for vendors, parade participants, organizations to participate in Lost Creek Community Festival to be held Sept. 21. Call: 745-3715, 745-3942, evenings, or write P.O. Box 460, Lost Creek, WV 26385.
PRAYER MEETING 9 a.m., Abundant Life Church, Arlington Addition, Clarksburg. Pastor Bob Wilson. Call: 624-7371.
MILITARY REUNION, 25th Infantry Division Association, Branson, Mo. Write Andy Ansell, RD3, Box 336, Acme, PA 15610.
PRAYER MEETING 9 a.m., Bethel Temple Church, Johnsno Avenue, Bridgeport. Pastor Paul Dougan. Call: 842-5011.
CLARKSBURG COURT NO. 3, Order of the Amaranth meets 7:30 p.m. Masonic Temple.
VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1965 monthly breakfast 9 a.m.-noon, Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: Mike, 269-3399, Prudy, 622-0061, Flora, 622-2129, Ellen 457-3097.
PRAYER MEETING 9 a.m., Clarksburg Church of God, Liberty Addition, Clarksburg. Pastor Chelse Noel. Call: 622-1302.
OMEGA SHRINE No. 15, Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem meets 7:30 p.m. Masonic Temple.
BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL, old Weston State Hospital. For booth: Doug Parsons, 269-4993; crafters: Loys Henry, 269-5033; other information: Senior center, 269-5738.
APPLICATIONS accepted for 16th Annual Florence Merow Mason-Dixon Festival of West Virginia Queen Pageant, Hazel Ruby McQuain River Front Park, Morgantown. Applications: Cindy Frich, (304) 599-1309, Cindy Frich, 1248 Baker's Ridge Road, Morgantown, WV 26505.
PRAYER MEETING 9 a.m., Elk Lick Church of God, Route 23 out of Salem. Pastor Paul Flanigan. Call: 782-1818.
PRAYER MEETING 9 a.m., Evangel Baptist Church, Bridgeport. Pastor Jeff Ramsey. Call: 848-0441.
7TH ANNUAL Storytelling Festival, WVU Jackson's Mill, near Weston. Call: Bob McWhorter, (304) 599-2219, e-mail,, Jackson's Mill, (800) 287-8206.
VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1965 monthly breakfast 9 a.m.-noon, Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: Mike, 269-3399, Prudy, 622-0061, Flora, 622-2129, Ellen 457-3097.
GERMAN FESTIVAL, Sistersville. Internet, or e-mail,
ACT 2 THEATRE Co. opens 2002-03 season with Broadway musical thriller, Sweeny Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street, directed by and starring Peter Lightfoot of the WVU Opera Department. Call: 622-0366.
10TH ANNUAL Rotary Club Craft Show 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Meadowbrook Mall. Call: Ellen Ball, (304) 457-3097.
HARRISON COUNTY Parks and Recreation Commission Farmer's Market in parking lot of Harrison County 4-H Center, U.S. 19 south of Clarksburg. Each Wednesday 9 a.m.-6 p.m., except Oct. 9. $10 fee for 2-foot by 8-foot tables. Call: 624-8619.
VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1965 monthly breakfast 9 a.m.-noon, Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: Mike, 269-3399, Prudy, 622-0061, Flora, 622-2129, Ellen 457-3097.
VETERAN'S DAY Parade and ceremony noon, Harrison County Courthouse plaza.
MONTHLY BREAKFAST for Victory High School Class of 1965, 9 a.m.-noon, Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: Mike, 269-3399, Prudy, 622-0061, Flora, 622-2129, Ellen 457-3097.