Fax items for Calendar of Events to (304) 624-4188, e-mail to, or mail them to Clarksburg Exponent and Telegram, P.O. Box 2000, Clarksburg, WV, 26302. Items will not be taken over the phone. Items should be brief and must include a contact person and phone number. Deadline for submission is noon Monday through Friday, no exceptions.
NORTH VIEW United Methodist Jr. Church bake sale 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Harrison County Courthouse.
BLOOD DRIVE 1-7 p.m., Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, Stonewood. Sponsor: American Red Cross. Call: 1-800-732-0383.
HARRISON COUNTY Solid Waste Authority regular meeting 5:30 p.m., Waldomore.
AMERICAN SOCIETY of Highway Engineers of North Central West Virginia meet 6:30 p.m., Philip's Restaurant, Glen Elk. Guest speaker: Al Anderson of Ryan Environmental. Dinner and program, $15. Reservations: 592-1385.
VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS, Meuse-Argonne Post No. 573 bingo 6 p.m., post home. Proceeds benefit youth programs, community activities. Call: 622-3591.
VALENTINE'S DAY special entertainment noon, Harrison County Senior center dining room. Entertainment. Call: Doris Kidd, 623-6795.
NUTTER FORT LIONS Club meeting 6:30 p.m., Nutter Fort Community Center. Guest speaker: The Rev. Frederick Aves, Christian Assembly Church. Call: 622-7570.
NEWCOMERS meeting 10 a.m., Bridgeport Civic Center. Feature: Alice Kennedy, Beadworks owner.
AMERICAN LEGION Auxiliary Unit 31 meeting 7 p.m., post home, Shinnston. Officers and executive officers meets 6:30 p.m. Call: 592-3608, 287-7581.
FRATERNAL ORDER of Eagles, Clarksburg, meets 8 p.m., aerie home. Call: 622-7231.
SWEETHEART ballroom dance class 7-9 p.m., Anna's Expressions of Dance. Adult couples, $25, teen couples, $15. Call: 624-5765, e-mail
PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB of Taylor County to meet at the Anna Jarvis Elementary School Library at 7 p.m. Open to public. Call: Harry White, 265-5405 or Nellie Lakatos, (304) 296-4668.
REGISTRATION, Lil' Lambs Closet Spring/Summer Children's clothing consignment sale, March 2-3, Faith Christian Fellowship. Call: 624-6221 or 624-4979.
GOSPEL SING with Brenda Jones, Weston, 7 p.m., Church of the Nazarene, Stonewood. Call: 622-4647.
CLARKSBURG-BRIDGEPORT After 5 Christian Women's Club of America annual Guest Night, Holiday Inn, Bridgeport. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Call: Helen Lamm, 623-4708, Vera Westfall, 842-3979.
ANNUAL Lincoln Day Dinner by Upshur County Republican Executive Committee, Bi-Centennial Motel. Social hour 6 p.m., dinner 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $15. Call: Patty Adams, 472-3851, Linda DeBarr, 472-6370, JoAnn Rohr, 472-2650.
SPAGHETTI DINNER, Mount Clare United Methodist Church, 4-8 p.m. in church social room. Cost: $5 adults, $3, 12 and under.
LIONS CLUB of Clarksburg Flag Day activities for North View, Emmanuel, St. Mary's and Nutter Fort elementary first graders. Call: Lion Linda Ott at 842-5625.
OMEGA SHRINE NO. 15, Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem meet 7:30 p.m., Masonic Temple. Memorial service Call: 842-3062.
LIONS CLUB of Clarksburg meeting noon, Minard's Spaghetti Inn. Guest speaker: Kim Richison.Call: 842-4132.
PRAYER MEETING 6 p.m., Pentecostal Church of the Living God, Stonewood. Call: 624-0502.
GOSPEL SING in commemoration of Black History Month 7 p.m., Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Clarksburg.
CHAPTER B of Gold Wing Road Riders Association, Mon-Valley Wings meeting 6 p.m., Ponderosa Restaurant, Bridgeport. Business meeting 7 p.m. Call: 269-7852.
ELIMINATION dinner Notre Dame High School cafeteria. Social 6:30 p.m., dinner 7 p.m. Tickets: $30. Call: 624-9831.
9TH ANNUAL Literature Symposium for Undergraduate Students 10 a.m.-3 p.m., West Virginia University Department of English. Call: 293-3107, ext. 404.
ANCIENT healing art of Reiki 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Monongalia General Hospital conference room. Call: Terry-Anne Miller, 366-0100.
16TH ANNUAL chili feed by Bridgeport Boy Scout Troop No. 40, 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Benedum Civic Center, Bridgeport.
COMMUNITY indoor flea market, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Sardis Community Center. Call: Sandra at 783-5485.
MULTI-PHASIC blood test 7-10 a.m. by Bridgeport Rotary Club, Bridgeport Middle. Lipid profile $33. Call: 1-800-524-3414 weekdays, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
"FOREVER IN LOVE" bridal fashion show 1 p.m., Meadowbrook Mall, center court. Call: 842-5441.
Feb. 17 and 24, March 3, 10 and 17
TECHNOLOGY and Communication for Educators course 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Dunbar Middle School, Fairmont. Instructor: Charles Pitrola. Call: West Virginia University Division of Extended Learning, 627-2190. Class limit: 20.
WOW-WOMEN ON WHEELS, Clarksburg Chapter, Sassy Mountain Sisters meeting 1 p.m., Damon's Restaurant, Eastpointe. Business meeting 2 p.m. Call: 745-3862.
FAIRMONT Chamber Music Society concert presents oboe and guitar D'Amore Duo 7:30 p.m., St. Peter the Fisherman Church, Fairmont. Call: John Ashton, 291-8277, e-mail, Web site,
SALE --Bridgeport High School Band Corbi's pizza and homemade cookie dough fund-raiser. Orders: Any band member or Lou Moore, 842-7309.
LUMBERPORT LIONS Club attend zone meeting 7 p.m., Wilsonburg Baptist Church.
PARENT/EDUCATOR Resource Center session, "Behavior Intervention Plan", 3:30-6:30 p.m., Bridgeport High School. Registration required. Call: 842-5632.
BLACK ENTERTAINMENT Television's BET Tonight host Tavis Smiley appears 7 p.m., Fairmont State College, Turley Center Ballroom.
BINGO 7 p.m., Fraternal Order of Eagles No. 2353, Clarksburg. Proceeds benefit aerie, local charities. Call: 622-7231.
OUR LADY OF PEACE Assembly No. 1184, Fourth Degree, Clarksburg, meets 6 p.m., Raymon's. Meeting 7 p.m., Clarksburg Knights of Columbus Hall. Call 622-0248.
VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS, Meuse-Argonne Post No. 573 meeting 8 p.m., post home. Call: 622-3591.
CFIDS/FM Support Group meets at Clarksburg- Harrison Public Library, 6:30p.m. to 8 p.m.
VICTORY HIGH SCHOOL Class of 1953 to meet for dinner, Raymon's Restaurant, 6:30 p.m. Call: Connie Findley, 842-4333 or e-mail
BEGINNER and established beekeeping class 6-9 p.m., 4-H Barn, Route 19 south of Clarksburg. Instructors: Matt Cochran and Paul Poling, West Virginia Department of Agriculture. Call: 592-5004.
HARRISON COUNTY Board of Education meeting 6 p.m., Bridgeport High School. Public forum follows.
MENDED HEARTS, Inc. Mountain State Chapter 209 meets 7 p.m., John E. Jones Conference Center, West Virginia University Health Sciences Center. Speaker: Dr. Ronald Hill. Call: 599-4141.
STONEWALL JACKSON Coin Club meeting, Harrison County Senior Citizens Center, Clarksburg. Swap and talk: 6:30-7 p.m.; meeting: 7 p.m. Member door prize, guest door prize, raffle, 50/50 drawing. Call: Mel at 265-3932.
PRAYER GATHERING 9 a.m., Upper Room Church, Clarksburg. Call: 622-7651.
WOMAN'S CLUB of Clarksburg meeting, First Presbyterian Church at noon. Guest speaker: Marie Battles, exec. director of CRISS-CROSS. Call: Ruth Millstone, 842-3308.
KINDERGARTEN open house for 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds, Heritage Christian School, Bridgeport, 6:30-8 p.m. Tuesday, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Wednesday. Snow date Feb. 28. Call: 842-1740.
ARTISTS-IN-RESIDENCE work with South Harrison High School students.
ROOSEVELT-WILSON High School class of 1946 monthly breakfast 9:30 a.m., Ponderosa Restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: Toots Britton, 622-0618.
FRATERNAL Order of Eagles Auxiliary Aerie No. 2353, Clarksburg meets 7 p.m., post home. Call: 622-7231.
BINGO 6 p.m., Veterans of Foreign Wars, Meuse-Argonne Post No. 573, Clarksburg. Proceeds benefit youth programs, community activities. Call: 622-3591.
INFORMATIONAL meeting on fall West Virginia University Division of Extended Learning two-year master of arts degree in corporate and organizational communication studies 6 p.m., Robert C. Byrd High School large group instruction room. Call: 627-2190.
LUMBERPORT LIONS CLUB meeting 6:30 p.m., Sunset-Ellis Restaurant. Call: 592-2704.
FRATERNAL Order of Eagles Aerie No. 2353, Clarksburg meets 8 p.m., post home. Call: 622-7231.
HARRISON COUNTY Advisory Council for Education of Exceptional Children meets 6:30 p.m., Gore Middle School.
QUEEN ESTHER CHAPTER No. 11, Order of the Eastern Star meets 7:30 p.m. for study of constitution law and landmarks, Masonic Temple. Call: 842-3062.
WHAT'S THE WEATHER Read-Aloud 1-2 p.m., Lost Creek Elementary School auditorium. Guest reader: Brandon Butcher. Call: 745-3129.
Feb. 22, March 1, 8 and 29
TAYLOR COUNTY Photography Club beginners photography class 6:30-8 p.m., Taylor County Library, Grafton. Call: Ken Bolyard, 265-4102, 265-1407, Harry White, 265-5405.
FACULTY SENATE meetings at all county schools. No students in attendance.
LIONS CLUB of Clarksburg meeting noon, Minard's Spaghetti Inn. Guest speaker: Larry Frye.
PRAYER MEETING 6 p.m., Pentecostal Church of the Living God, Stonewood. Call: 624-0502.
HARRISON COUNTY branch of National Association for Advancement of Colored People third annual Black History Banquet 7 p.m., Holiday Inn, Bridgeport. Cost: $20. Call: 623-2335.
FEBRUARY Spring Outdoor Show by Marion County Chamber of Commerce at Woody Williams Armory. Call: 363-0442.
BRIDGEPORT Levy Election. Polls open 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m.
CENTRAL Appalachian Astronomy Club telescope, basic astronomy seminar/clinic 1 p.m., Fairmont State College Clarksburg campus. Free. Write: Central Appalachian Astronomy Club, P.O. Box 1862, Clarksburg, WV, 26301, Web site,
NORTH CENTRAL Basketmakers Guild meets 10 a.m., Broad Oaks United Methodist Church. Bring sack lunch, basket to complete. Beginners muffin basket kit, $10. Call: 783-5316, 783-5496 after 6 p.m.
"THE WEST VIRGINIANS" show choir, Alderson-Broaddus College perform 10:45 a.m., Salem Baptist Church.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS state council second and third degree exemplifications for first degree members 1 p.m., Fairmont Marion Assembly No. 942. Candidates present at 12:30 p.m., council hall. Call: 622-0248.
FORMER Iowa teacher Jane Elliott speaks 7 p.m., Fairmont State College, Turley Center Ballroom. Program: "The Anatomy of Prejudice". Call: 367-4705.
BINGO at Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie No. 2353, Clarksburg, 7 p.m., post home. Proceeds benefit aerie, local charities. Call: 622-7231.
VETERANS OF FOREIGN Wars, Meuse-Argonne Post No. 573 meets 8 p.m., post home. Call: 622-3591.
MILLENNIUM QUILTERS GUILD meeting 6:30 p.m., Maplewood. Call: 745-5878.
LIONS CLUB of Clarksburg Board of Directors meeting noon, Minard's Spaghetti Inn. Call: 842-4132.
WEST MILFORD Lions Club bi-monthly meeting 6:30 p.m., community center. Call: 745-3150.
CLARKSBURG COUNCIL No. 872, Knights of Columbus meeting 7:30 p.m., Robert Petitto Knights of Columbus Hall. Call: 622-0248.
ALLEGRO DANCE Co., 120 Linden Ave., Clarksburg, accepting new members 8 years old and up. Some experience required. Call: 624-5765 or e-mail
HARD TIMES Benefit for Kids meeting 7 p.m., Lost Creek Fire Department.
CLARKSBURG COURT NO. 334, Catholic Daughters of the Americas card party 7 p.m., Veterans of Foreign Wars post home.
WILSONBURG LIONS Club regular meeting and covered dish dinner 6:30 p.m., Wilsonburg Baptist Church. Call: 783-5381.
PRAYER GATHERING 9 a.m., Abundant Life Church, Arlington Addition, Clarksburg. Call: 624-7371.
MEETING -- West Virginia Educational Broadcasting Authority board of directors meet 10:30 a.m., C. Bosworth Johnson Boardroom, Charleston.
WEST VIRGINIA TRAVEL Club, Inc. meets 10:30 a.m., Middletown Mall. Call: 363-7177.
MARINE CORPS League D.H.L. Detachment No. 981 meets 7 p.m., Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 573, Clarksburg. Call: 623-3439.
BINGO 6 p.m., Veterans of Foreign Wars, Meuse-Argonne Post No. 573, Clarksburg. Proceeds benefit youth programs, community activities. Call: 622-3591.
GOOD HOPE Community Educational Outreach Service Club meets 7 p.m., New Bethel Methodist Church. Call: 745-3328.
TWO-DAY workshop on Consumer's Guide to Wills and Powers of Attorney 6-9 p.m., Robert C. Byrd High School. Facilitator: John A. Farmer. Call: West Virginia University Division of Extended Learning, 627-2190.
REGISTRATION and down payment accepted for Montreal and Quebec, Canada weekend travel study. Pre-tour meeting May 23. Trip departs June 13, returns June 17. Limit: 44. Call: West Virginia University Division of Extended Learning, 627-2190.
PLANS for Barbour County 2001 Winter Fair under way, Barbour County Fairgrounds. Activities: Heritage and other crafts, ceramics, demonstrations, food, music, Little Miss Icicle and Jack Frost pageant, fresh ground cornmeal, and other items.
FIFTH ANNUAL "For Such a Time as This" women's conference 7 p.m. Saturday, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, Trinity Assembly of God Church, Fairmont. Special speakers: Rev. Rita Robinson, Rev. Kay Zello. Cost: $15 in advance, $25 at door. Call: Rev. Patricia "Sissy" Hebb, 622-2771.
LIL' LAMBS Closet children's clothing consignment sale, Faith Christian Fellowship. Call: 624-6221, 624-4979.
STONEWALL JACKSON Memorial Hospital offers one-day childbirth class 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Call: 269-8119.
WEST VIRGINIA University's Student Dance Marathon noon, WVU Mountainlair. Proceeds benefit Children's Miracle Network.
CRAFT BAZAAR 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Reynoldsville Fire Department. Six-foot tables for rent. Cost for first, $15, second, $5. Call: Billie Jo Claypool, 623-2360.
SPRING QUILTING classes, West Virginia Mountain Products, Quiet Dell. Instructor: Dot Lemon. Cost: $35. Advanced classes, 10 a.m.-noon. Beginners classes, 1-3 p.m. Call: W.Va. Mountain Products, 622-3304, Dot Lemon, 884-7920.
JESSICA KING concert 6 p.m., Beulah Baptist Church activity building, Grafton. Free will offering.
SPAGHETTI dinner 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Summit Park Volunteer Fire Department. Cost: 13 and up, $5; 7-12, $3; 6 and under free. Delivery: 622-3363.
GARDEN COUNCIL of Harrison County board meets 10 a.m., Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library conference room.
VICTORY High School Class of 1954 will meet at Western Steer Steak House at 6:30 p.m. Spouses welcome. Call: 842-4384 or 622-8559.
PRAYER GATHERING 9 a.m., Bible Church of God, Reynoldsville. Call: 592-1095.
PRE-REGISTRATION for Dodridge County kindergarten. Appointments: 873-2300, 782-1167.
VEGETARIAN COOKING: A New Taste for Healthy Living four-session hands-on class, West Virginia University Division of Extended Learning, Robert C. Byrd High School. Instructors: Husband wife team, Ian Rudick and Beth Weegar. Call: 627-2190.
FREE CONCERT and youth rally 6:30 p.m., Calvary United Methodist Church. Call: Tina Matthey, 622-7621,
CAMPUS Visitation Day at Fairmont State College, 7:45 a.m. Academic fair, other sessions until 1:30 p.m.
PRAYER GATHERING 9 a.m., Clarksburg Church of God, Liberty Addition.
DEADLINE for West Virginia Italian Heritage Festival poster contest. Sponsor: Shoney's Restaurant. Call: 622-7314.
DAFFODIL DAYS 23rd annual campaign to benefit American Cancer Society. Daffodils delivered March 11-17. Call: American Cancer Society, 1-800- 237-2317.
MAPLE SYRUP Festival at Pickens begins at 9 a.m. and runs through Sunday. Ham and bean buffet at 5 p.m. Call: (304) 924-6288.
SPAGHETTI DINNER 11:30 a.m.-4 p.m., American Legion Unit No. 31, Shinnston. Call: Auxiliary members, 592-3608, 287-7581.
PRAYER GATHERING 9 a.m., Elk Lick Church of God, Route 23, Salem. Call: 782-1818.
TWO-DAY PUBLIC workshop, Consumer's Guide to Trusts, 6-9 p.m., Robert C. Byrd High School, West Virginia University Division of Extended Learning. Facilitator: John A. Farmer. Call: 627-2190.
APPLICATIONS accepted for West Virginia Strawberry Festival pageant. Call: Melodie Stemple, 472-2416, Randy Sanders, 1-800-824-9107.
HUBCAPS Oldies Dance and Show, 8:30 p.m.-midnight, Nathan Goff Armory, Clarksburg. Tickets: $20. Call: Becky Lear, 842-5867. Proceeds benefit Humane Society of Harrison County.
PRAYER GATHERING 9 a.m., Faith Fellowship Church. Call: 622-1038.
WEST MILFORD Elementary School kindergarten registration. Call: 745-3341.
ELIMINATION dinner 6 p.m., Knights of Columbus Hall, Clarksburg, benefits Salem resident/West Virginia Industrial Home for Youth correctional officer Sam Gaskins, diagnosed with throat cancer. Grand prize: $1,000. Raymon's catering. Tickets: $25. Call: Mike Anderson, 782-2371, 623-1295.
VICTORY HIGH School class of 1961 plans class reunion April 6 and 7. Call: LaBene Schmidt, 363-2735, Peggy Goldsmith Allman, 842-3918.
BACKYARD Theatre Co. presents Sister Amnesia's Country Western Nunsense Jamboree and Dinner Theatre at Westchester Village. Each day: Dinner at 6:30 p.m., show at 8 p.m. April 22: Brunch at 1 p.m., show at 2:30 p.m. For reservations: 366-3711.
WINE AND CHEESE tasting prior to Backyard Theatre Co.'s production of "Nunsense the Jamboree" at 5:30 p.m. at Westchester Village, Fairmont. Dinner at 6:30 p.m., performance at 8 p.m. For reservations or more information: Westchester at 366-3711.
JOHNSON ELEMENTARY School holds kindergarten registration from 8-11:45 a.m. For more information: 842-3731.
TONY GORE and Majesty gospel concert 7 p.m., Fairmont Armory. Call: 287-2623.
STATE FAIR scholarships available. Call (304) 645-1090, e-mail,
WESTON CARP Tournament and Festival in Weston. Call: Judy Lewis, 269-4800.
TOWN OF LUMBERPORT Municipal Election. Call: 584-4370.