Fax items for Calendar of Events to (304) 624-4188, e-mail to news@exponent-telegram.com or mail them to The Exponent Telegram, P.O. Box 2000, Clarksburg, WV 26302. Items will not be taken over the phone. Items should be brief and must include a contact person and phone number. Deadline for submission is noon Monday through Friday, no exceptions.
CLARKSBURG LEAGUE for Service board meeting and training session, 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Philip's La Pasta Cucina Restaurant, Glen Elk section of Clarksburg. Reservations: Mary Ann Spadafore, 592-0859.
24TH ANNUAL Budweiser Original Toughman Contest, Nathan Goff Armory, Clarksburg. Cost: $13 general admission, $15 reserved seating, $20 VIP ringside. Registration/information: (800) 296-3897.
FINE ARTS Festival, 8 p.m., Fairmont State College, Wallman Hall Theatre. Host: Dr. Stephen Johnson, assistant professor of music. Call: Johnson, 367-4166.
"A NIGHT with Robert Burns": Scottish Heritage Society of North Central West Virginia's eighth annual dinner, 6 p.m., Via Veneto, Bridgeport. Call: Deborah Anderson, (304) 534-3737.
CARTOONING WORKSHOP with Bridgeport artist Steve Schweinebraten, 10 a.m.-noon, Benedum Civic Center, Bridgeport. Sponsored by Bridgeport Parks and Recreation. Cost: $20. Call: 842-8240.
BRIDAL EXPO by Buckhannon-Upshur Chamber of Commerce and CVB, 1-4 p.m., Benedum Campus Center, West Virginia Wesleyan College.
Sunday, Jan. 26
PRAISE AND SONG service, 11 a.m., Hepzibah Baptist Church, U.S. 19 north of Clarksburg. Performers: The New Identity Band, with local Traci Clark VanKirk. A Love Gift Offering will be taken. Call: Vera Woofter, 622-3920.
KOON FAMILY from the Morgan area performs as guest singers, 2 p.m., song and praise service. Call: John Hart, pastor, 782-1075.
AL-ANON MEETING, 8 p.m., St. Mark's Lutheran Church, U.S. 19 South, Clarksburg. Contact: Nancy, 624-6038.
COMMUNITY PRAYER SERVICE, 2 p.m., to commemorate 100th anniversary of Davis Memorial Hospital, at Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church, 450 Randolph Ave., Elkins. Public welcome. Contact: Elizabeth McKay, (304) 637-3467.
Through Jan. 27
GIRL SCOUT cookie sale under way. Cost: $3 a box. Troops get 50 cents a box. Delivery dates: March 1-25. Call: 622-6561.
Monday, Jan. 27
MILLENNIUM QUILTERS Guild regular monthly meeting, 6:30 p.m., Maplewood Retirement Community. Call: 622-8112, 842-3200.
WOMEN OF THE MOOSE, Clarksburg Chapter 409, bi-monthly meeting, 7 p.m., Loyal Order of Moose 52 Lodge, 150 W. Main St., Clarksburg.
HOT DOG sale, 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Salem Church of God Fellowship Building. Take-out, eat-in or delivery. Call: 782-3070.
YOUTH DIABETES Support Group meeting, 5:30-7:30 p.m., United Hospital Center, Classroom A. Special speakers. ReservationsÚinformation: UHC, 624-2935, Kipper Linville, 623-2297.
BOOK GROUP, 4 p.m., First Presbyterian Church parlor. Topic: "Blessings" by Anna Quindlen. Call: 622-6831.
WEST MILFORD Lions Club bi-monthly meeting, 6:30 p.m., West Milford Community Center. Call: 745-3176.
LIONS CLUB of Clarksburg monthly board of directors meeting, noon, Minard's Restaurant.
CLARKSBURG KNIGHTS of Columbus 872 meets 7:30 p.m., Robert Petitto KOC Hall, Clarksburg. Call: Joe Tiano, 622-0248.
MS SOCIETY monthly meeting, 6 p.m., Holiday Inn, Fairmont, for all people with MS. Dutch treat dinner. MS guideline packet and explanation of the packet.
WEIGHT MANAGEMENT SupportÚClasses, 6:30 p.m., YWCA of Harrison County. Registration: Patty Martin, 623-5540.
SPIRITUAL GROWTH and Prayer Group, 10:30 a.m.-noon, First Presbyterian Church, Clarksburg. Call: 622-6831.
Jan. 27, Feb. 3 and 10
COMMUNITY EDUCATION program class on dimensional embroidery by Fairmont State Community and Technical College Community Education Program, 6-9 p.m., 214 Merchant St., Fairmont. $35. Kits available for purchase. Teacher: Award-winning local quilter Martha Offutt. Registration: Karen Gibson, community education coordinator, 367-0436, 288-6041.
Tuesday, Jan. 28
SUN VALLEY Public Service District special board meeting, 5 p.m., business office in Reynoldsville.
NUTTER FORT Town Council meeting, 7:30 p.m., town hall.
PUBLIC FORUM for Harrison County Board of Education, 6 p.m., Robert C. Byrd High School auditorium. Several speakers.
REGULAR MEETING of Harrison-Clarksburg Board of Health, 8:30 a.m., Harrison County Commission Conference Room.
PRAYER MEETING, God's Word of Life, Bridgeport. TimeÚinformation: Pastor Marty Basil, 842-5485.
WILSONBURG-SALEM LIONS district governor visit, 6 p.m., Cottage Corner Too Restaurant, Salem. Social hour 6:30 p.m. dinner. Cost: $12. Reservations: Paul Watson, 842-3158.
HARRISON COUNTY Board of Education regular meeting, 4 p.m., Robert C. Byrd High School auditorium. Public forum immediately afterward.
STONEWOOD LIONS Club regular meeting, 6:30 p.m., Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Center, 707 3rd St., Stonewood. Call: Tim Allen, 624-4005.
MASS, RECITATION of the Rosary for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life, 6:30 p.m., Chapel of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Center, Stonewood. Celebrant: Father Casey Mahone, chaplain of Serra Club of Clarksburg. Call: 623-4984.
YOGA CLASSES, 6 p.m., YWCA of Harrison County. Instructor: Jeanny Kalaycioglu. $4 non-members, $3.50 members. $20 annual membership. Call: 624-6881.
Jan. 28, Feb. 4 and 11
"TEACHING READING to Children" workshop, 6:30-9 p.m., Lost Creek Library. Free. Sponsored by Literacy Volunteers of Harrison County. Pre-register by calling 624-0347.
Jan. 28, Feb. 4, 11 and 18
AMERICAN RED CROSS of Harrison County disaster classes, Harrison County chapter, 718 W. Pike St., Clarksburg. TimesÚregistration: 624-7689.
Jan. 28 through March 11
LIFE IN THE SPIRIT seminar, 7:30-9 p.m. Tuesdays, Immaculate Conception Parish, Clarksburg.
Wednesday, Jan. 29
AL-ANON meeting, 8 p.m., Christ Episcopal Parish, 123 S. Sixth St., Clarksburg. Call: Nancy, 624-6038.
LUNCH AND LEARN, 11:30 a.m., YWCA of Harrison County. Speaker: United Mine Workers of America Health and Retirement Fund representative Rebecca Hill. $4. Reservations: 624-6881.
GOOD TIME Cloggers meeting, 6 p.m., YWCA of Harrison County. $13 non-members, $11 members. $20 annual membership. Call: Barbara Fuller, 745-5569. Membership: 624-6881.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT Alive, First Presbyterian Church, Clarksburg. Adult quilting class, 3 p.m.; Bible study, crafts, choir and chimes for 3-year-olds through fourth-grade students, 5:45 p.m. Dinner. Adult choir and bell choir, 6:30 p.m. Call: 622-6831.
VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1956 monthly dinner, 6 p.m., Twin Oaks Restaurant, Bridgeport.
MARINE CORPS League D.H.L. Detachment 981 monthly meeting, 7 p.m., VFW Post 573, Clarksburg. Call: Bobby Lee Woodard, 745-4495, Marine Wilson, 842-5846.
WEST VIRGINIA TRAVELERS Inc. of Fairmont meets 10:30 a.m., Middletown Mall. Call: 363-7177.
SIGN-MAKING PROJECT, 10 a.m., Harrison County Senior Center. Join Betty Hagi to make signs to take to Charleston. Wear 33 1Ú3 T-shirts for pictures.
MONTHLY BIRTHDAY party, noon, Kinley Cafe, Harrison County Senior Center.
Jan. 29 through 31
ANNUAL RFI WINTER Camp Meeting, Light of Life Ministries, 354 W. Main St., Clarksburg. Theme: "Let His Voice Be Heard." Speakers: Dr. Mike Pangio from Youngstown, Ohio, Evangelist Wally Odem from Beaufort, S.C., and Prophet Ray Woodby from Asheville, N.C. Times: 7 p.m. Wednesday through Friday, 10 a.m. Thursday and Friday, catered luncheon Friday. Child care for ages 12 and under. Call: 622-9400. Web site: Www.lol-clarksburg.org.
Thursday, Jan. 30
BLOOD DRIVE, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Fairmont State College, Turley Center Ballroom. Miracles Happen T-shirts while they last. Call: (800) 732-0383.
BUSINESS MEETING of Greater Bridgeport Conference and Visitors Center Inc., 1:30 p.m., Bridgeport Municipal Complex. Call: 842-7272.
CLARKSBURG HOUSING Authority's Board of Commissioners regular monthly meeting, 5 p.m., Central Office Complex, 433 Baltimore Ave., Glen Elk section of Clarksburg.
ANNUAL FESTIVAL of the Arts, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Bridgeport Middle School. Call: Carla Yaquinta, 842-8905.
VICTORY HIGH Class of 1949 luncheon, 12:30 p.m., Ponderosa Steak House. Call: Duane Daniels, 592-3277.
Through Jan. 31
UNITED WAY of Harrison County collecting boxes, tape and wrapping paper for 2003 Christmas gift- wrapping project. Donations can be taken to the YMCA.
NAMES ACCEPTED for West Virginia Italian Heritage Festival Queen's Court. Ages 18 through 25. Call: Executive Director Rachel L. Torchia, 622-7314.
PREHISTORIC PLANET with dinosaurs, fossils and more, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Monday through Saturday, Middletown Mall, Fairmont. Special tours and lectures. Call: 366-1810.
Friday, Jan. 31
DEPOSIT DUE for Fairmont State College Honors Program eight-day tour of Boston. Deposit: $500. Trip cost: $950. Call: Dr. Robert Baker, 367-4260, or e-mail jbaker@mail.fscwv.edu.
BLOOD DRIVE scheduled for Lewis County National Guard Armory has been canceled.
COUNTRY MUSIC show, 6-10 p.m., Middletown Community Center. House band: Brad Crow and the Cutups. Other shows: Eilene Smith, Dick Rutan and Don't Do It Biscuit, Country Routs. Open mic 6 p.m. Doors open 5 p.m. Cost: $2; children under 12 free. Call: Betty Crow, (304) 983-2336, Charlie Mason, 363-3625.
WASHINGTON IRVING High School Class of 1953 monthly breakfast meeting, 9 a.m., Raymon's Restaurant, Clarksburg. Call Joellen Allman, 745-3196.
LIONS CLUB of Clarksburg meeting, noon, Minard's Restaurant. Guest speaker: Fred Smart.
CARD PARTY, 1 p.m., Veterans of Foreign Wars. Bridge or Canasta. Sponsored by Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Clarksburg. Table reservations: 623-2674.
Jan. 31 through Feb. 1
"MASH," a production of the Jigsaw Theatre Project, 7 p.m., YWCA. Reservations: 624-7271.
Saturday, Feb. 1
PIANIST Wendy Channel performs, 7:30 p.m., Fairmont State College School of Fine Arts, room 229 of Wallman Hall. Call: 367-4219.
CENTRAL APPALACHIAN Astronomy Club hosts special astronomy day, 12:30-4 p.m., Fairmont State College Gaston Caperton Center, Clarksburg. Speaker: Mary "Indy" Kochte from Space Telescope Science Institute, which works with Hubble Space Telescope Program. Presentations. Call: Joe Gonzalez, 745-4842, after 6 p.m., Dick or Jeremy Bumgardner, 842-5730, e-mail webmaster@caacwv.org.
TEEN DANCE, 8-11 p.m., Washington Square. $5.
PANCAKE and sausage dinner, 4-7 p.m., Lewis County Emergency Squad. Sponsored by East Lewis Lions Club and Lewis County Emergency Squad. Call: Linda Stalnaker, 269-1730.
VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1964 breakfast meeting, 9:30 a.m., Cottage Corner II Restaurant, Salem. Call: Sam Annie, 623-1100.
13TH ANNUAL Groundhog Feed fund-raising dinner sponsored by Central Upshur Lions Club, 7 a.m.-5 p.m., French Creek United Methodist Church. Cost: $3.50 adults, $1.50 ages 5-12, under 5 free.
REGISTRATION accepted for HC Checkmates Chess Tournament, Nutter Fort Elementary School. All divisions except open: $20. Open: $10. Registration: Robert Jordan, 842-4771, or e-mail RobAJordan@aol.com.
Feb. 1 through 14
FREE WILL clinic sponsored by YWCA of Harrison County and Pro Bono Referral Project. Last will and testament compiled by private attorneys following registration. Call: 624-6881.
Feb. 1 through March 8
CARDIO-CHALLENGE class, Saturdays from 10-11 a.m., $30 for six-week session, Momentum Center for the Arts, 315 N. Fourth St., Clarksburg. Instructor: Carol Davis. Call: Beth, 622-5311.