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Clarksburg Publishing
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Calendar of events

Fax items for Calendar of Events to (304) 624-4188, e-mail to or mail them to The Exponent Telegram, P.O. Box 2000, Clarksburg, WV 26302. Items will not be taken over the phone. Items should be brief and must include a contact person and phone number. Deadline for submission is noon Monday through Friday, no exceptions. The Exponent Telegram recommends readers confirm events before attending.


BIRTHDAY DINNER with covered dish for Fraternal Order of Eagles Auxiliary, 6:30 p.m., 124 W. Pike St., Clarksburg. Bingo benefits Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center.

MARINE CORPS League D.H.L. Detachment 981 meets 7 p.m., VFW Post 573. Applications: Commandant Rick Shuman, 203-0644, Senior Vice Harold Wilson, 842-5846.

MONTHLY birthday party, noon, Kinley Cafe, Harrison County Senior Citizens Center Inc., Clarksburg. Call: 623-6795.

LUNCH AND LEARN hosted by YWCA of Harrison County, 11:30 a.m., YWCA. $4. Topic: Alzheimer's Association of Morgantown. Reservations: 624-6881.

INSPECTOR MECHANIC Class for state motor vehicles inspections, 9 a.m., Gore Technical Institute. For information, call Grafton State Police Office, 265-6101, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

PUBLIC HEARING for Harrison County Board of Education, 6 p.m., Salem Middle School.

GOOD TIME Cloggers meet 6:30 p.m., YWCA of Harrison County. Call: Barbara Fuller, 745-5569.

ROTARY CLUB meeting, noon, First United Methodist Church; Larry Mazza to speak on the Clarksburg 10K and about the Power Three l0K series. Larry is chairman of The Greater Clarksburg 10K Run.

AL-ANON meeting, 8 p.m., Christ Episcopal Parish, 123 S. 6th St., Clarksburg. Contact: Peg, 623-9156.

Through July 31

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Church Vacation Bible School, 6-8:15 p.m., 175 W. Main St., Clarksburg. Theme: "A Hero's Journey." Call: Terra Mitchell, 622-6831.

DUFF STREET United Methodist Church annual Vacation Bible School, 6-8:30 p.m., 400 Duff Ave., Stealey section of Clarksburg. Theme: "S.C.U.B.A."

Thursday, July 31

CLARKSBURG KIWANIS Club meeting, noon, Jim Reid's Restaurant, Nutter Fort. Honored guests: Boys' State, Girls' State, YMCA Leadership Camp Horseshoe attendees and W. Obed Poling Scholarship winner. Call: Bob Harper, 623-9383.

COMBINED FEDERAL Campaign meeting, 9 a.m., Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center to discuss upcoming campaign issues. Call: United Way of Harrison County, 624-6337.

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1949 monthly luncheon, noon, Clarksburg Country Club. Call: Dave Ferrado, 622-7776, Argyle Shingleton, 622-3198, Duane Daniels, 592-3277; e-mail:

FRATERNAL ORDER of Eagles Aerie meeting, 8 p.m., 124 W. Pike St., Clarksburg.

QUEEN ESTHER Chapter 11, Order of the Eastern Star, meets 7:30 p.m., Masonic Temple. Date changed from July 24. Call: 842-3062.

PUBLIC HEARING for Harrison County Board of Education, 6 p.m., Gore Middle School.

July 31 through Aug. 2

ANNUAL West Virginia Blackberry Festival, Nutter Fort. Call: 622-3206, (304) 657-0840.

Through Aug. 1

VACATION BIBLE School at the Salvation Army for ages 4 and over, 1000 S. Chestnut St. Theme: "Treasures of the Nile." Call: 622-2360.

"LIGHTHOUSE Kids ... Shining God's Light" Vacation Bible School, 6-9 p.m., First United Methodist Church, Clarksburg. Games, learning experiments, new songs, snacks. Kindergarten through fifth-grade students welcome. Middle school and adult classes offered.

"TREASURE HUNT" Bible School, 7-9 p.m., Wallace First Baptist Church. Cookout, 7 p.m. Call: Kim Blake, 796-4957.

ST. MARK'S Lutheran and Christ Episcopal churches plan Vacation Bible School, 9:30 a.m.-noon, St. Mark's church. Nursery available. Call: 624-6138, 622-3694.

Friday, Aug. 1

NUTTER FORT Sanitary Board meeting, 9 a.m., town hall.

CLARKSBURG LIONS Club meeting, noon, Minard's restaurant. Topic: "Youth." Speaker: Jenna Oja, exchange student from Finland. Call: President Jim Whaley, 623-1987.

BLOOD DRIVE, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Davis Memorial Hospital classroom, Elkins. Call: (800) 732-0383.

VENDOR SPACE deadline for United Way's 13th annual Greatest Garage Sale on Earth, Aug. 9, Spruce Street Parking Garage, downtown Morgantown. Call: (304) 296-7525.

HARRISON COUNTY Genealogical Society monthly meeting, 10 a.m., Waldomore, second floor. Call: 623-0222.

WEST VIRGINIA Blackberry Festival first Blackberry Pie or Blackberry Cobbler Baking Contest application and entry fees due. Judging noon, Aug. 2. Fee: $10. Mail application/fee: Blackberry Festival Baking Contest, P.O. Box 8088, Nutter Fort, WV 26301-8088.

Aug. 1 and 2

YARD SALE by Lumberport Lions Club, Lumberport Pharmacy.

Saturday, Aug. 2

MEADOWBROOK Church of Christ third annual School Supply Giveaway, 9 a.m.-noon, church. Call: Ed Conch, 622-0490.

TRUNK SHOW at Fort New Salem, 1-5 p.m. Artisans demonstrate hand-made Appalachian basket making and hand-carved ducks. Call: Carol A. Schweiker, 782-5245.

CAR CLINIC for single mothers, 1-3 p.m., Vineyard World Outreach Ministries. Free oil change. Appointment: 884-6572.

CITY PARKS of Clarksburg Dance Program and Fancy Double Youth Cloggers present "Celebrate Summer," 7:30 p.m., Clarksburg Rec Center. Bring lawn chair. Call: Kim, 203-5596.

ANNUAL Philip Barbour High School Band Yard Sale, Philippi Foodland, U.S. 250 south of Philippi. Times: 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Aug. 1, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Aug. 2. Proceeds benefit band's trip to Washington, D.C. in May.

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1964 breakfast meeting, 9:30 a.m., Cottage Corner II Restaurant, Salem. Call: 623-1100.

YARD SALE with flea market and crafts, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Jane Lew Town Market. Vendors set up 8 a.m. Spaces: $10. Breakfast, lunch, beverages available. Rain date: Aug. 9. Call: 884-7885, 884-7085, 884-7910, 884-8173.

ANNUAL CHICKEN supper and bazaar sponsored by St. Boniface Altar Society, 4:30-7 p.m., church, W.Va. 33 west of Camden. $7 adults, $3.50 ages 5-12, under 5 free. Call: Arlene Pope, 269-2160.

SALEM CITYWIDE yard sale, 9 a.m., Salem Area Chamber of Commerce and the Valley Street Association, Salem Depot Park and other Salem locations. Call: Norma, 782-3511.

WEST VIRGINIA Blackberry Festival Blackberry Pie/Blackberry Cobbler Baking Contest, noon, Clarksburg City Park, Nutter Fort. Call: Linda Griffith, 622-7110, Crystal Barker, 622-1168. Entries must be at Clarksburg City Park by 10 a.m.

HARRISON COUNTY Chapter of WVU Mountaineer Parents' Club annual Summer Send-Off, 2-3:30 p.m., picnic shelter behind Nutter Fort Elementary School. Call: Peg, 623-9156.

CRAFTERS needed for Monongahfest. Call: Nellie Haught, 534-3848.

THIRD ANNUAL Shinnston city-wide yard sale. Map listing, $5. Call: Vaughn or Nilah Haggerty, 592-5559.

VETERANS OF THE Oil & Gas Industries, monthly meeting, social hour 11 a.m., luncheon at noon, Jane Lew Family Restaurant, Jane Lew.

SONG SERVICE 7 p.m., Son Shine Fellowship, Sawyers Run, Salem. Call: Pastor Nelson McClain, 782-1584.

Sunday, Aug. 3

WHITEHAWK Country gospel music, 2 p.m., Bowyer Farm, Isaac Creek Road. Open stage. Food, drinks. Bring lawn chairs. Donations accepted. Call: 745-3689.

AL-ANON meeting, 7 p.m., St. Mark's Lutheran Church, U.S. 19 south of Clarksburg. Call: Nancy, 624-6038.

ANNUAL PICNIC of Slovak-Polish Society, Clarksburg City Park, Maple Shelter. Call: 624-6756.

Aug. 3 through 8

AMERICAN CANCER Society's free annual Camp WINACA for children 7-16 who are currently battling cancer or are cancer survivors, Camp Horseshoe, Tucker County. Registration/volunteers: (800) 288-3618.

Monday, Aug. 4

FRIENDS @ the Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library meeting, 4:30 p.m., Adult Garden, Clarksburg-Harrison Library. Call: Suzie Hart, 842-5117.

HEPZIBAH Public Service District monthly board meeting, 5 p.m., water office, Erie.

BLOOD DRIVE, 1-6 p.m., St. Marks Lutheran Church social hall, Clarksburg. Call: (800) 732-0383.

CITY PARKS of Clarksburg third session tennis class begins, Veterans Memorial Park. Instructor: Louis Kopp. Registration/information: 624-1655.

ANNUAL ICE CREAM social to benefit the Mustard Seed in Clarksburg, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Bank One Plaza, Clarksburg. Call: Hope Skufe, 622-5458.

VICTORY CLASS OF 1955 monthly meeting, 6 p.m., Ponderosa, Bridgeport.

Aug. 4 through 8

EAST CLARKSBURG Baptist Church "Treasures of the Nile" Vacation Bible School, 5:30-8:30 p.m., church, corner of East Main and Fowler Avenue. Open to kindergarten through middle school students.

FIRST BAPTIST Church of Nutter Fort Vacation Bible School, "Seaside With the Savior," 7-9 p.m., 219 Maryland Ave., Nutter Fort. Ages 3-adult. Pre-registration: 624-0723.

VACATION BIBLE School at Nutter Fort Union Mission Church, corner of Illinois and Fort streets, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Theme: "Treasure of the Nile."

BIBLE SCHOOL, 6-8:30 p.m., Mt. Hebron United Methodist Church, Jane Lew. Ages 3-adult welcome. Ride/information: 884-7246, 884-7633.

MUSICAMP at Simpson Creek Baptist Church, 8:45 a.m.-12:10 p.m., church. Children who have completed kindergarten through fifth grade welcome. $5 registration fee includes MUSICAMP shirt. Presentation for family and friends 7:30 p.m. Friday. Registration/information: 842-3589.

WOLF SUMMIT Wesleyan Methodist Church Vacation Bible School for all ages, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Theme: "All God's-From Head to Toe!" Information/transportation: Melodie Satterfield, 622-1735.

Aug. 4 through 14

SWIM LESSONS, Harrison County YMCA, Mondays through Thursdays 10:30-11:30 a.m.; or Mondays through Thursdays 5-6 p.m. Call: (304) 623-3303.

Tuesday, Aug. 5

HARRISON COUNTY Board of Education regular meeting, 4 p.m., Kelly-Miller Building auditorium.

ORDER of Bonnie Blue Phoebe Warner Chapter regular meeting, 7 p.m., meeting room of Summit Community Bank, Franklin. Call: (304) 358-3261.

WEST FORK Conservation District Board of Supervisors monthly meeting begins, 9:30 a.m., Oxford Grange, Doddridge County Call: Dinah Hannah, executive assistant, 627-2160.

PRAYER MEETING with Pastor Jeff Ramsey, Evangel Baptist Church, Bridgeport. Call: 848-0441.

SHINNSTON COMMUNITY Band rehearsal, 7 p.m., Lincoln High School band room. Call: 622-1171.

Wednesday, Aug. 6

WEST VIRGINIA Italian Heritage Festival board of directors meeting, 7 p.m., 309 Clark St., Clarksburg. Call: 622-7314.

BLOOD DRIVE, noon-6 p.m., Middletown Mall, Old Wall Store, Fairmont. Call: (800) 732-0383.

CLARKSBURG ROTARY Club meeting, noon, First United Methodist Church; guest speaker Larry Mazza to discuss Greater Clarksburg 10K and Power 3 10K series.

Aug. 6 through 8

RUMMAGE SALE and bake sale, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Liberty United Methodist Church, Liberty Addition. Call: Helen Jeffries, 622-1583.