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Regional Calendar of Events

Fax items for Calendar of Events to (304) 624-4188, e-mail to or mail them to The Exponent Telegram, P.O. Box 2000, Clarksburg, WV 26302. Items will not be taken over the phone. Items should be brief and must include a contact person and phone number. Deadline for submission is noon Monday through Friday, no exceptions. The Exponent Telegram recommends readers confirm events before attending.


AARP DRIVER Safety Course sponsored by AARP and Woman's Club of Bridgeport, Bridgeport Public Library. Times: 4-8 p.m. Oct. 24, noon-4 p.m. Oct. 25. Call: 842-2825.

WEST VIRGINIA Association for Gifted and Talented annual fall conference, Holiday Inn, Bridgeport/Clarksburg. Registration: Mary Glass, e-mail,, Janet Gould, HC-66, Box 19, Romney, WV 26757, e-mail,

QUILT SHOW sponsored by Quilters at Heart Guild, Chapel Hill United Methodist Church, Buckhannon. Times: 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Oct. 25. Call: Betty G. Puffenbarger, 472-3658, e-mail,

FALL REVIVAL with celebration of church's 55th anniversary, Congregational Missionary Church, 203 Hazelwood Ave., Stonewood. Guest speaker: The Rev. Billy Crane.

REVIVAL at Branch of the True Vine, Wilsonburg. Call: The Rev. Ernest Leggett, 584-5720.

HOT DOG DINNER sponsored by Johnstown 4-H Club, 3-6 p.m., Johnstown Community Building.

ANNUAL FALL pancake breakfast sponsored by East View Lions Club, 7 a.m.-noon, Evelyn Postlewait Community Center, East View. $5 adults, $2.50 children under 12. Proceeds benefit community projects. Call: Mike Queen, 624-5080.

COAT DRIVE for needy sponsored by Philippi Lions Club, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., American Legion building, 46 South Main St. Pickup: (304) 457-1247.

REUNION PLANNING meeting for 1963-64 classes of Washington Irving High School, 6 p.m., William E. "Bill" Yoke Jr. home, 554 E. Main St., Clarksburg. Reunion last weekend in July 2004. If attending meeting, call Yoke, 624-6077. Addresses of class members needed.

BIBLE'S New Testament seminar with Larry Bell, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Simpson Creek Baptist Church. $15 includes lunch. Doors open 8:30 a.m. Child care for 5-year-olds and under. Registration: 842-3589.

PIT BEEF DINNER sponsored by Jane Lew Lions Club, noon-6 p.m., Jane Lew Fire Department. Adults, $7; children 12 years and under, $4. Entertainment. Proceeds used for eye care for less fortunate.

CELEBRATION to honor nation's military, 11 a.m., Harrison County Courthouse Plaza. Entertainment by West Virginia University Pep Band. WVU's Mountaineer also on hand.

NORTH CENTRAL West Virginia Parkinson Patient & Family Support Group meeting, 12:30-2:30 p.m., Eat 'N' Park Restaurant, Bridgeport. Guest speakers: Michelle Michael and Tammy Breedlove, physical therapists with United Rehab. Call: Tracey Robertson, 363-1028.

TAYLOR COUNTY Starting Points distributes free good, used clothing for all ages, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Flemington Elementary School. Bring own bag. Call: Susie Davis, (304) 739-4646.

FIRST PLANNING meeting of new 4-H Horse Club at Salem International University, Barker Equestrian Center, 6:30 p.m. Open to ages 9-18. Call: Zona Hutson, WVU Doddridge County Extension agent, 873-1801.

GOSPEL CONCERT with the Riffle Family, 7 p.m., Chub Run Community Church.

RESERVATIONS available for YWCA annual Card Party and Luncheon, 11:30 a.m., YWCA of Harrison County, 305 Washington Ave., Clarksburg. Reservations: Christine, 622-2195.

WINDOW AUCTION, Doddridge County Park, to benefit trail around the lake at North Bend State Park. Doors open 8 a.m.; auction, 10 a.m. Call: Bill Beymer, (304) 482-4636, Dee Weekly, 873-1741, Lisa Lipscomb, (304) 659-2573, Dick Barton, 659-2424.

UPSHUR COUNTY Public Library fall book and bake sale, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., library.

MOUNTAINEER Toastmasters Club hosts Toastmasters District 13 Fall Conference, Lakeview Golf Resort and Spa in Morgantown. Time/registration,

WEST VIRGINIANS for Life's annual pro-life convention, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Trinity Assembly of God, Fairmont. Prayer breakfast, 8 a.m.

BENEFIT TRAIL Ride sponsored by Salem International University to benefit Don Appiarius, SIU's vice president of student development, who has cystic fibrosis, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., SIU Barker Equestrian Center. $15 for ride and lunch, $7 lunch only, $5 children 5 and under. Registration, 8 a.m. Tack sale, 5 p.m. Call: 782-5243, 782-4528, 782-4305, 782-5598.

PLANS under way for Mighty Buffalo River Sweep by Busy Bison 4-H and Buffalo Creek Dream Makers members, 10 a.m., Barrackville Covered Bridge. Call: Tonya Daft, (304) 825-6103. Bring drinks, hoes, waders.

Through Oct. 26

VICTOR PERSAUD performs in concert, Salvation Army, 1000 South Chestnut St., Clarksburg. Times: 6 p.m. Oct. 25; 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Oct. 26.

FALL REVIVAL, Mount Olive Baptist Church, Patterson Road, Salem. Speakers: Jeff Ramsey, Saturday; Rita Robinson, Sunday. Singers: Living Proof, Friday; Brittany Palmer, Saturday; the Mount Olive Singing Group and Greg Layfield, Sunday.

Sunday, Oct. 26

SOUP BEAN, ham and cornbread dinner to benefit kidney transplant patient and diabetic, Wallace Ford, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Lumberport Community Center. $4 adults, under 6 eat free.

REVIVAL services begin, 7:30 p.m., Open Door Tabernacle, Patterson Street, Salem. Special singing nightly. Call: The Rev. Haymond Plaugher, 782-1966, 782-3578.

AL-ANON meeting, 7 p.m., St. Mark's Lutheran Church, U.S. 19 south of Clarksburg. Call: Nancy, 624-6038.

BENEFIT DINNER for Edison Fox "Foxy" Beverly, 18-month-old injured in a Sept. 12 accident, noon-8 p.m., Anmoore Fire Hall. $5. Carryout and deliveries available. Call: 624-3676. Music, baked goods, raffle and door prizes.

STONEWALL CIVIC Club meets 2 p.m., Waldomore. Living history presenter: Dolores Stinespring as Mary Queen of Scots.

HARRISON COUNTY Senior Citizens Center Harvest Dance, senior center. Dinner, 6-7 p.m.; music, 7:30-10 p.m.

WILSONBURG Lions Club baked steak dinner, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Wilsonburg Elementary School.

ANNUAL MEETING of Lumberport High School Alumni Association, 2 p.m., Lumberport Methodist Church.

Oct. 26 through 29

REVIVAL, 7 p.m., North View United Methodist Church. Evangelist: Tim Sandy. Call: 622-4613.

Oct. 26, Nov. 2 and 9

SERIES of meetings to promote "Missions Renewal," 10:30 a.m., Faith Christian Fellowship, W.Va. 20 south of Clarksburg. Call: 622-1038.

Through Oct. 27

QUILTING CLASSES offered 1-3 p.m., 6-8 p.m., Bridgeport Parks and Recreation. Instructor: Dot Lemon. Seven-week class, $40. Material list/information: 842-8240.

Monday, Oct. 27

WEST MILFORD Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., West Milford Community Center. Call: 745-3176.

SALEM INTERNATIONAL University Auxiliary monthly meeting, 6:30 p.m., SIU's Powell Lounge. Speaker: Bill Rolyson, on IRS and its legality. Reservations: Betty Wade, 782-1330.

FREE A.D.H.D. panel presentation, 6:30-8 p.m., Bridgeport High School. Call: Parent Education Resource Center, 842-5632.

SEVEN-WEEK swimming lessons begin, 5 p.m., YWCA of Harrison County. Members, $29; non-members, $52. Classes held Mondays and Wednesdays through Dec. 10.

WOMEN OF MOOSE, Clarksburg Chapter 409, bi-monthly meeting, 7 p.m., Loyal Order of Moose 52 Lodge, 150 W. Main St.

DODDRIDGE COUNTY Chamber of Commerce business meeting, 7 p.m., offices of Community Resources Inc., 123 W. Main St., West Union. Call: 873-2258.

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT Support Group/Class, 6 p.m., YWCA of Harrison County. Call: Patty Martin, 623-5540.

HARRISON COUNTY Chamber of Commerce Wine and Jazz Dinner, Pete Dye Golf Club, Bridgeport. Sponsored by Verizon of West Virginia. Reservations: 624-6331.

HOT DOG sale, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Salem Church of God fellowship building, 119 State St., Salem. Call: 782-3070.

BOARD meeting of Clarksburg Lions Club, noon, Minard's Restaurant. Call: Jim Whaley, 623-1987.

BLOOD DRIVE, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Grafton High School, old cafeteria. Call: (800) 732-0383.

CLARKSBURG COUNCIL 872 Knights of Columbus meeting, 7:30 p.m., Robert Petitto KOC Hall, Clarksburg. Call: Joseph Tiano, 622-0248.

HARRISON COUNTY School Board Effectiveness meeting, 6 p.m., North View Elementary School.

Tuesday, Oct. 28

NUTTER FORT Council meeting, 7:30 p.m., council chambers.

MASS and recitation of rosary, 6 p.m., Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Center, Stonewood. Celebrant: Fr. Casey Mahone, chaplain, Serra Club of Clarksburg. Call: 623-4984.

SUN VALLEY Public Service District board meeting, 5:30 p.m., board office.

WEST FORK LIONS Club meeting, 7 p.m., Holy Family Parish House, Spelter. Call: Brenda Gerrard, 622-9641.

VFW SPERRY-DAVIS Post 9151 Ladies Auxiliary, Salem, meets 7 p.m., post home.

STONEWOOD Lions Club regular meeting, 6:30 p.m., Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Center, 707 3rd St., Stonewood. Call: Lion Secretary Tim Allen, 624-4005.

MOTHERS AGAINST Drunk Driving meeting, 7 p.m., Meadowbrook Mall food court. December activities to be discussed. Call: Barbara Patton, M.A.D.D. president, 745-4905.

SPECIAL MEETING of Harrison-Clarksburg Board of Health, 8:30 a.m., Harrison County Courthouse, County Commission conference room.

WEST FORK Conservation District Board of Supervisors monthly meeting, 3:30 p.m., USDA Service Center, Weston. Call: Dinah Hannah, executive assistant, 627-2160.

HARRISON RURAL Electrification Association Inc.'s monthly board meeting, 7 p.m., Lost Creek Activities Building. Call: HREA, 624-6365.

PRAYER MEETING, 9 a.m., Vermont Baptist Church, Salem. Speaker: Pastor John Spadafore. Call: 782-1046.

REGULAR MEETING and covered-dish dinner of Wilsonburg Lions Club, 6:30 p.m., Wilsonburg Baptist Church. Call: 623-0305.

BIRTHDAY DINNER of FOE Auxiliary with covered-dish dinner, 6:30 p.m. Bingo proceeds benefit Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center.

YOGA with Jeanny Kalaycioglu as instructor, 5:30 p.m., YWCA of Harrison County. $4 for non-members/$3.50 for YWCA members. Call: 624-6881.

Oct. 28, Nov. 4, 11, 18, 25 and Dec. 2

REHEARSAL schedule for Shinnston Community Band, 7 p.m. each date, Lincoln High School band room. Call: 622-1171 (days), 592-0156 (evenings).

Wednesday, Oct. 29

ROOSEVELT-WILSON High School classes of 1950-52 meet to plan next year's reunion, 6 p.m., Parkette Restaurant. Call: Dick Johnson, 623-0565, Aletha Cleavenger Southern, 783-4684, Joan Stumpo Oliverio, 623-0230.

CLARKSBURG ROTARY Club meeting every Wednesday, noon, United Methodist Church basement. Speaker: State Sen. Mike Oliverio, presented by Tim Whalen.

AL-ANON meeting, 8 p.m., Christ Episcopal Church Parish, 123 S. 6th St., Clarksburg. Call: Peg, 623-9156.

CLERGY LECTIONARY study, 9 a.m., Christ Episcopal Church parish house, Clarksburg. Call: Pastor Warren D. Wilson, 622-9725.

BINGO, VFW Sperry-Davis Post 9151, Ladies Auxiliary, Salem post home. Doors open 5:30 p.m.; early birds, 6 p.m., game, 7 p.m.

MARINE CORPS LEAGUE D.H.L. Detachment 981 meets 7 p.m., VFW Post 573, Clarksburg. Call for application: Commandant Rick Shuman, 203-0644, Junior Vice Boyd Whipkey, 745-4561.

BLOOD DRIVE, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., West Virginia Junior College, 176 Thompson Drive, Bridgeport. Call: (800) 732-0383.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Hall, Mary Lou Retton Drive, Fairmont, site of blood drive, 1-7 p.m. Call: (800) 732-0383.

Breast/Cervical Cancer Awareness Program, 7 p.m., New Bethel United Methodist Church, U.S. 19, Good Hope. Featured speaker: Donna Riffle. Call: Elaine Daugherty, Good Hope CEOS, 745-5730.

LUNCH & LEARN monthly meeting, YWCA of Harrison County, 11:30 a.m. Cost: $5 for non-members; $4 for members. Call 624-6881 for reservations.

Oct. 29, Nov. 5, 12 and 19

CROCHET class, 6:30-8:30 p.m., YMCA of Harrison County. Call: 624-6881.

Oct. 29 through Nov. 2

REVIVAL, 7 p.m., Son Shine Fellowship Church, Sawyers Run, Salem. Different speaker nightly. Special singing. Call: Pastor Nelson McClain, 782-1584.

Thursday, Oct. 30

BARBOUR COUNTY Fair Association Inc. annual meeting, 6:30 p.m., fairgrounds. Sixteen of 48 directors up for re-election to 3-year terms.

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1949 monthly luncheon, noon, Eat 'N' Park Restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: Argyle Shingleton, 622-3198, e-mail, victoryhi49@webtv.nrt

DEADLINE to participate in Nutter Fort Fire Department's second annual Christmas Parade, Nutter Fort. Call: 622-5001.

BLOOD DRIVE, 1-7 p.m., Jane Lew Volunteer Fire Department. Call: (800) 732-0383.

Through Oct. 31

SALVATION ARMY of Clarksburg/Harrison County accepts applications for Christmas assistance, 1000 S. Chestnut St., Clarksburg. Call: 622-2360.

Friday, Oct. 31

FAIRMONT GENERAL Hospital 2003 Health Expo, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Knights of Columbus Hall.

HOME INTERIOR open house to benefit medical expenses for 8-month-old Zoey Marie Dobbins who has been diagnosed with Retinoblastoma, a malignant intraocular tumor, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Clarksburg Veterans of Foreign Wars.

WASHINGTON IRVING High School Class of 1953 monthly breakfast meeting, 9 a.m., Raymon's Restaurant, Clarksburg. Call: Joellen Allman, 745-3196.

REGULAR meeting of Clarksburg Lions Club, noon, Minard's Restaurant. Call: Jim Whaley, 623-1987.