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Regional Calendar of Events beginning Feb. 14

Fax items for Calendar of Events to (304) 624-4188, e-mail to or mail them to The Exponent Telegram, P.O. Box 2000, Clarksburg, WV 26302. Items will not be taken over the phone. Items should be brief and must include a contact person and phone number. Deadline for submission is noon Monday through Friday, no exceptions. The Exponent Telegram recommends readers confirm events before attending.


PANCAKE BREAKFAST, 7:30-10 a.m., Applebee's restaurant. Proceeds benefit Wilsonburg Lions Club.

BAKED STEAK dinner, 11 a.m.-6 p.m., Warren District Community Building. $6, under 5 free. Proceeds benefit Hodgesville United Methodist parsonage septic system fund.

FRATERNAL ORDER of Eagles Auxiliary anniversary, 2 p.m., 124 W. Pike St., Clarksburg. Program and dinner honor charter members and past madam president. Visitation by FOE Auxiliary State Madam President Hattie Klein.

WOMAN'S CLUB of Clarksburg Valentine's Card Party luncheon, noon, YWCA of Harrison County, Clarksburg. $7. Reservations: Nancy Judy, 622-1790.

Roosevelt-Wilson Class of 1965 monthly breakfast 9 a.m., Dave's restaurant, Nutter Fort. Call: Ilene Corathers, 745-5444.

Sunday, Feb. 15

BEREAVED PARENTS meeting, 1:30 p.m., Heritage Room, Bridgeport United Methodist Church, lower level doors off Worthington Drive. Call: Karen Lang, 842-2873, Libby Davis, 842-3640.

NEW BETHEL United Methodist Women cookbook on sale at Community Booth in Meadowbrook Mall. Call: Elaine Daugherty, 745-5730.

AL-ANON meeting, 7 p.m., St. Mark's Lutheran Church, U.S. 19 south of Clarksburg. Call: Nancy, 624-6038.

FAIRMONT CHAMBER Music Society presents cellist Wolfram Koessel in concert, 7:30 p.m., St. Peter the Fisherman Church, Fairmont.

SLOVAK-POLISH Society monthly meeting, 1 p.m., Parkette restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: 624-5265.

SPAGHETTI DINNER, 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m., historic Horner School in Weston. Adults $7, children under 12, $3.50. Carryouts available. Severe-weather date: Feb. 21. Sponsor: Hacker's Creek Pioneer Descendants, East Lewis Lions Club. Tickets: 269-7091.

SPAGHETTI DINNER, 11:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., West Milford United Methodist Church. Adults, $6, children, $4. Eat in or carry out.

SPAGHETTI DINNER, 11:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Holy Rosary Church, 35 Franklin St., Buckhannon. $6 adults, $3 children, under 3 free. Takeouts available. Call: (304) 472-3414.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS State Council's 2nd and 3rd Degree Exemplifications for all First Degree members from state councils, noon, Parkersburg Council 594. Candidates report between 11 a.m. and 11:45 a.m., Parkersburg Council hall, 1010 Market St. Call: Joseph Tiano, 622-0248.

Monday, Feb. 16

QUILTING CLASSES offered by Bridgeport Parks and Recreation, 1-3 p.m. Mondays, Benedum Civic Center. $40. Instructor: Dot Lemon. Call: 842-8240.

BINGAMON Public Service District monthly board meeting, 7 p.m., home of board member Effie O'Dell, Wyatt.

HARRISON COUNTY Republican Club monthly meeting, Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Speaker: Richard Rob, South Charleston mayor. Dinner, 5:30 p.m.; meeting, 6:30 p.m. Call: Barbara Ward, 622-4858.

REGULAR MEETING of Harrison County Board of Education, 6 p.m., Kelly Miller Building auditorium.

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1953 monthly meeting, 6 p.m., Raymon's restaurant. Call: Connie Findley, 842-4333, e-mail Connie L

REGISTRATION fees reduced by $5 if paid by today for classes that begin Feb. 16, Harrison County YMCA. Call: Kim Jenks, 623-3303.

HARRISON COUNTY Parent/Educator Resource Center free workshop, 6:30 p.m., Bridgeport High School. Topic: Parent/child relationships.

LADY OF PEACE Assembly 1184, 4th Degree, Clarksburg, meets for dinner at 6 p.m., Raymon's restaurant. Business meeting follows, Robert Petitto Knights of Columbus Hall, Clarksburg. Call: Joseph Tiano, 622-0248.

ALATEEN meeting, 7:30 p.m., Christ Episcopal Church, Ninth and Gaston Avenue, Fairmont. Contact: Christine, 363-2898.

NORTH CENTRAL WV Beekeepers Association regular meeting, 6:30 p.m., Harrison County 4-H Center, U.S. 19 south of Clarksburg. Will include presentation by WVU entomologist and beekeeper Dr. Jim Amrine. Contact: K.K. Griffith, 622-8000.

Feb. 16 and 23

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT Group meets 6:30 p.m., YWCA of Harrison County. Call: Patty Martin, 623-5540.

AEROBICS CLASS at YWCA of Harrison County, 5 p.m. Bring step. Instructor: Donetta Watson. $4.50 a class. Call: 624-6881, 624-9358.

Tuesday, Feb. 17

NEWLY ORGANIZED North View Area Lions Club meets 7 p.m., Big Frank's Bar-B-Q, North View. Call: President Larry McCann, 624-4660.

MENDED HEARTS Inc. Mountain State Chapter 209 meeting, Jones E. Jones Conference Center, WVU Health Sciences Center, Morgantown. Speaker: Elizabeth Hupp, R.N., M.A., nurse clinician, cardiothoracic surgery. Call: (304) 864-0105.

STONEWOOD SEWER Board meeting, 4 p.m., board office.

CLARKSBURG-Bridgeport After 5 Christian Women's Clubs of America monthly meeting, Holiday Inn of Bridgeport. Doors open 6:20 p.m.; program at 6:45 p.m. Speaker: Kitty Barna, Youngstown, Ohio.

CENTRAL West Virginia Toastmasters celebrate club's 45th anniversary, 6:30 p.m., Sunset Ellis back room, U.S. 19 south of Shinnston. Call: 842-2826.

GFWC W.Va. Woman's Club of Clarksburg monthly luncheon, noon, First United Methodist Church. Program: Salute to presidents. Reservations: 623-9207, 623-1116.

BUSINESS and Professional Women dinner meeting, 6:30 p.m., Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Speaker: Tina Fowler, shelter coordinator for HOPE Inc. Call: Betty Frush, 622-0216.

WEST VIRGINIA JUNIOR College site of blood drive, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Call: (800) 732-0383.

RESERVATION deadline for Feb. 24 Harrison County Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours sponsored by Maplewood Retirement Community, 1000 S. Maplewood Drive, Bridgeport. Call: 848-0200.

SUMMIT PARK Public Service District regular monthly board meeting, 4 p.m., district office, Coal Street.

TELECOM PIONEER Life Member meeting, noon, Eat 'N Park restaurant. Call: 842-4731, 623-3148.

OPEN HOUSE hosted by West Virginia Youth Advocate Program, 5-7 p.m., 1036 Speedway Ave., Suite 4, Fairmont. Refreshments. Call: (800) 836-9894.

GUARDIANS of West Fork Watershed monthly meeting, 6:30 p.m., old Roosevelt-Wilson High School. Call: John Eleyette, 363-4111.

PRAYER MEETING, 9 a.m., Evangel Baptist Church, Airport Road, Bridgeport. Call: Pastor Jeff Ramsey, 592-5555.

NORTH CENTRAL West Virginia Beekeepers Association conducts intermediate-level beekeeping class, 6:30-9 p.m., Harrison County 4-H Building, U.S. 19 south of Clarksburg. Pre-registration: Kevin K. Griffith, 622-8000.

Feb. 17 and 24

YOGA, 5:30 p.m., YWCA of Harrison County. $3.50 members, $4 non-members. Instructor: Jeanny Kalaycioglu. Mats provided, bring towel. Call: 624-6881.

Wednesday, Feb. 18

GREATER HARRISON County Public Service District regular board meeting, 8:30 a.m., West Milford Community Center.

AL-ANON meeting, 8 p.m., Christ Episcopal Parish, 123 S. Sixth St., Clarksburg. Call: Peg, 623-9156.

ALL SAINTS Women's Club meeting, 7:30 p.m., church social hall. Program: Caretakers of Anna Jarvis Home, Grafton. Call: Phyllis Izzo, 842-0271.

WEST VIRGINIA ITALIAN Heritage Festival board meets, 7 p.m., 309 Clark St., Glen Elk section of Clarksburg.

VICTORY High School Class of 1955 monthly dinner meeting, 6 p.m., Eat 'N Park restaurant, Clarksburg. Call: 842-5314.

ROOSEVELT-WILSON High School Class of 1946 breakfast meeting, 9:15 a.m., Denny's restaurant, New Pointe. Call: Toots Britton, 622-0618.

SCRAPBOOKING class by Bridgeport Parks and Recreation Department, 6-8 p.m. Wednesdays, Benedum Civic Center, Bridgeport. Instructor: Allison Fockler. $10, plus $6 for materials. Pre-registration: 842-8240.

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1942 luncheon, 1:30 p.m., Philip's restaurant.

FRATERNAL ORDER of Eagles Auxiliary meeting with initiation of new members, 7 p.m. 124 W. Pike St., Clarksburg.

Feb. 18 through 20

SMOKELESS TOBACCO educational display, United Hospital Center. Call: Delia Naranjo, 622-1771.

Feb. 18 and 25

GOOD TIME Cloggers meet 6:30 p.m., YWCA of Harrison County. $11 members, $13 non-members monthly. Call: Barbara Fuller, 745-5569.

Thursday, Feb. 19

STONEWALL JACKSON Amateur Radio Association monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m., St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Clarksburg.

BLOOD DRIVE, noon-6 p.m., Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital, outpatient surgery, Weston. Call: (800) 732-0383.

PARENT/TEACHER conference, 3-6 p.m., Lumberport Middle School. Call: 584-4090.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS meeting of Short Line Public Service District, 7 p.m., water office, Wallace.

WRAP (Writers, Readers, Authors and Poets] Writers group regular third Thursday meeting, 6-8 p.m., Bridgeport Public Library. Call: Kim Wheeler, 592-3560, e-mail

NEWCOMERS CLUB meets 10 a.m., A.C. Moore Craft Store. $10. Call: 623-4558.

GARDENING WORKSHOP, 7 p.m., Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library's Waldomore annex, featuring Aaron Helmick of Joseph Nurseries. Subject: Getting the garden ready for spring. Registration: 627-2236.

MILITARY ORDER of Purple Heart Chapter 418, Clarksburg, meets 7 p.m., Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 573. Call: Major William Boggs, 782-2794, Commander Bill Recktor, 622-2750.

BRIDGEPORT LIONS Club dinner meeting, 6:30 p.m., Benedum Civic Center. Reservations: 842-3315.

NUTTER FORT LIONS Club meeting, 6 p.m., Raymon's Restaurant, 336 E. Pike St., Clarksburg.

Feb. 19 and 26

AEROBICS CLASS, 5 p.m., YWCA of Harrison County. Bring step. Instructor: Donetta Watson. $4.50 per class. Registration: 624-6881, 624-9358.

Friday, Feb. 20

BLOOD DRIVE, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Lowe's, Clarksburg. Call: (800) 732-0383.

FREE intra-oral screening, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., United Hospital Center. Call: 622-1771 after 4 p.m.

REGULAR MEETING of Clarksburg Lions Club, noon, Minard's restaurant. Program chair: Linda Linville. Speaker: Vonda Berry. Call: President Jim Whaley, 623-1987.

Saturday, Feb. 21

AGLOW INTERNATIONAL hosts free mini financial seminar with Adam Felder of Crown Financial, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Laurel Lanes Community Center. Continental breakfast, 9-9:30 a.m. Call: Lynette McColl, 623-6211.

DAVID ONEY Family from Dayton, Ohio, sings at 1 p.m., Preparation Chapel, Grafton. Covered-dish luncheon follows.

CLARKSBURG MISSION Thrift stores open 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturdays, beginning today.

KIDS CARNIVAL sponsored by "Can Do Kids" Youth Group, noon-4 p.m. United Methodist Temple, Clarksburg. Games, face painting, prizes, refreshments.

MUSIC MINISTRY Team from Prince of Peace Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh, leads worship service at St. Barnabas' Chapel, Bridgeport.

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1965 monthly breakfast get-together, 10 a.m.-noon, Eat 'N' Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: 269-3399, 622-0061, 622-2129, 457-3097.

WEST VIRGINIA Lions District Region 4, Zone 3, elimination dinner, Clarksburg Veterans of Foreign Wars hall. Social hour, 6 p.m.; dinner, 7 p.m. Proceeds benefit West Virginia Sight Foundation. Tickets/information: 745-3176.

GOSPEL SING, 7 p.m., Chub Run Community Church. Featuring The Miracle Four, Linda Glaspell, The Overcomers. Call 622-9803.

CHILI FEED, all you can eat, 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. at Benedum Civic Center, Bridgeport. Sponsored by Bridgeport Boy Scout Troop 40.

Sunday, Feb. 22

Evangelist Gerald Mayhan to be guest speaker at Stealey Assembly of God, 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., corner of Milford and Nicholas streets, Clarksburg. Call: 623-1481.

Monday, Feb. 23

FIRST MEETING of East View Ladies Lions Club, 6:30 p.m., East View Community Center. Call: Lion President Bridget Cann, 622-2924.

HARRISON COUNTY WVU Extension Services Committee meeting, 12:30 p.m., Extension Center Office, Harrison County Courthouse. Call: Pat Gruber, 624-8650.

BLOOD DRIVE, noon-6 p.m., Chapel Hill United Methodist Church, Buckhannon. Call: (800) 732-0383.

HOT DOG sale, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Salem Church of God fellowship building. Call: 782-3070.

ANIMAL FRIENDS of Barbour County dinner, 5-10 p.m., Damon's restaurant. Ten percent of total bill benefits Friends organization. Call: Donna Philips, (304) 613-9888.

SALEM INTERNATIONAL University Auxiliary dinner meeting, 6:30 p.m., Erickson Center. Speaker: Exponent Telegram's Jamie Logue. Reservations: Betty Wade, 782-1340.

WOMEN of the Moose, Clarksburg Chapter 409, bi-monthly meeting, 7 p.m., Loyal Order of Moose 52 Lodge, 150 W. Main St.

CLARKSBURG LIONS Club board meeting, noon, Minard's restaurant. Call: President Jim Whaley, 623-1987.

REGISTRATION being accepted for new classes beginning today, Harrison County YMCA. Call: Kim Jenks, 623-3303.

ADHD SUPPORT Group meeting by Harrison County Parent/Educator Resource Center, 6:30 p.m., Bridgeport High School.

CLARKSBURG COUNCIL 872, Knights of Columbus, meets 7:30 p.m., Robert Petitto KOC Hall, Clarksburg. Call: Joseph Tiano, 622-0248.

WEST MILFORD Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., West Milford Community Center. Call: 745-3176.

Millennium Quilters Quilt Guild meeting, 6:30 p.m., Maplewood in Bridgeport. Program: Neck tie quilts. For information, call Dottie Mitchell, 622-4269.

Tuesday, Feb. 24

BLOOD DRIVE, 1-7 p.m., Jane Lew Volunteer Fire Department. Call: (800) 732-0383.

STONEWOOD Lions Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish Center, 707 Third St., Stonewood. Call: Lion Secretary Timothy M. Allen, 624-4005.

HARRISON COUNTY Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours sponsored by Maplewood Retirement Community, 1000 S. Maplewood Drive, Bridgeport. Beverages, 5:30 p.m.; buffet dinner, 6-8 p.m. Entertainment by Bill Oberack Jazz Ensemble. Reservations: 848-0200.

PARENT-TEACHER Conference, 3-6 p.m., Washington Irving Middle School. Call 624-3271 to schedule appointment with child's team of teachers.

REGULAR COVERED-DISH dinner and meeting of Wilsonburg Baptist Church, 6:30 p.m., Wilsonburg Baptist Church.

PANCAKE FEED, 6:30 p.m., United Methodist Temple, Clarksburg.

PRAYER MEETING, 9 a.m., Faith Christian Fellowship, W.Va. 20 South, Clarksburg. Call: Pastor Don Hawkins, 622-1038.

Shinnston Lions Club Friendship Night, 6 p.m., Epworth Center of First United Methodist Church in Shinnston. Speaker: Past District Gov. Steve Glass. Vaughn or Nilah Haggerty, 592-5559.

Wednesday, Feb. 25

CHARACTER COUNTS Strategic planning meeting, 9 a.m.-noon, Harrison-Marion Regional Airport. Call: Kathy Loretta, 624-3325, ext. 3370.

ASH WEDNESDAY service, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Stonewood. Eucharistic liturgy, 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Call: 623-2334, ext. 10, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Monday through Friday.

FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Church, Clarksburg, Ash Wednesday service, 12:30 p.m. Speaker: Dr. Eric Faust. Vocalist: Don Gardner. Luncheon, $3, at 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Call: 622-6831.

GOOD HOPE CEOS meeting, 7 p.m., New Bethel United Methodist Church. Call: Elaine Daugherty, 745-5730.

ASH WEDNESDAY service, 7 p.m., United Methodist Temple, Clarksburg.

MARINE CORPS League DHL Detachment 981 meets 7 p.m., Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 573. Call: Commandant Richard G. Shuman, 203-0644, Senior Vice Rich Wilson, 622-1594.

LUNCH AND LEARN hosted by YWCA of Harrison County, 11:30 a.m. $4 members, $5 non-members. Reservations: 624-6881.

FRATERNAL ORDER of Eagles Auxiliary covered-dish birthday dinner, 6:30 p.m., 124 W. Pike St., Clarksburg. Bingo proceeds benefit Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center.

Feb. 25, March 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31

ECUMENICAL community services, 12:30 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, Clarksburg. Luncheon, $3, at 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Call: 622-6831.

Thursday, Feb. 26

CEOS LESSON Leader Training on "Managing Stress in Turbulent Times," 10-11 a.m., Harrison County 4-H Center, U.S. 19 south of Clarksburg. Call: Harrison County Extension Office, 624-8650.

BLOOD DRIVE, noon-6 p.m., Philippi City Building. Call: (800) 732-0383.

AARP DRIVER Safety Program meeting, 10 a.m.-noon, Randolph County Senior Center. Lunch follows. Registration: (304) 636-4747.

QUEEN ESTHER Chapter 11, Order of the Eastern Star, meets 7:30 p.m., Masonic Temple, Clarksburg. Call: 842-3062.

GARDENING WORKSHOP, 7 p.m., Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library's Waldomore annex. Featuring Aaron Helmick of Joseph Nurseries. Subject: Garden design. Registration: 627-2236.

ALZHEIMER'S SUPPORT Group at St. Joseph's Hospital, Buckhannon, meets last Thursday of each month, 3 p.m., small conference room in Resource Center. Call: Jean Howard, (304) 473-2000.

ROOSEVELT-WILSON High School classes of 1958-60 meeting, 6 p.m., Elks Lodge in Village Square Conference Center, U.S. 19 South, Clarksburg. Meeting to continue planning for June 11-13 reunion. Call: Diana Garlow, 622-6717, Sharon Simons, 624-4928.

1947 Class of Victory High School lunch meeting, 1 p.m., Raymon's restaurant, East Pike Street, Clarksburg. Call: Jerry at 782-1575.

Through Feb. 27

PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT by Taylor County Photography Club, second-floor gallery, Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library. Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday, 1-6 p.m. Call: Diane Davis, 627-2236.

Friday, Feb. 27

BLOOD DRIVE, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Bridgeport High School. Call: (800) 732-0383.

REGULAR MEETING of Clarksburg Lions Club, noon, Minard's restaurant. Program chair: Linda Linville. Speaker: Tracy Robinson on housing and home repair. Call: President Jim Whaley, 623-1987.

BLOOD DRIVE, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Davis Memorial Hospital classroom, Elkins. Call: (800) 732-0383.

Saturday, Feb. 28

Hot dog and bake sale, starting 11:30 a.m., Nutter Fort Public Library. Proceeds benefit Nutter Fort Woman's Club. Call: Pat, 623-2842.

CLARKSBURG AREA Postal Employees Credit Union 57th annual dinner/meeting, 6:30 p.m., Via Veneto, Bridgeport. Business meeting follows.

TWIST OF FAITH band performs 6:30 p.m., Clarksburg Church of God, Liberty Addition. Free-will offering. Call: 622-6270.

BUCKHANNON-UPSHUR Chamber of Commerce and Convention & Visitors Bureau 2004 Bridal Show, 1-4 p.m., Moose Lodge, Kanawha Street. Call: (304) 472-1722.

MARDI GRAS NIGHT, 7 p.m., Lewis Wetzel Family Center, New Martinsville. Food, music, games, silent auction. Cost: $50. Tickets available from New Martinsville Rotarians. Proceeds benefit New Martinsville Rotary Club projects. Call: Rob Morris, (304) 455-3008.

Sunday, Feb. 29

BASKET BINGO featuring Longaberger products, 20 games of Bingo and Door Prizes. Tickets are $20 and seating is limited to 100. Call Crystal Matthey, (304) 782-3373. Proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society.

Monday, March 1

WVU EXTENDED Learning registration open for non-credit class, Conversational German, instructed by Bryan Fisher, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Mondays, Robert C. Byrd High School. Registration: 627-2190; class limit, 20.

Tuesday, March 2

WILSONBURG Lions Club board meeting, 7 p.m., Wilsonburg Baptist Church.

PPD/AUTISM Support Group meeting by Harrison County Parent/Educator Resource Center, 6 p.m., United Hospital Center, Classroom F.

PRAYER MEETING, 9 a.m., Full Gospel Chapel, Washington Avenue, Clarksburg. Call: Pastor Hayward Minear, 623-4690.

DINNER MEETING, Alpha Delta Kappa-Beta Chapter, 6 p.m., Salem Seventh Day Baptist Church. Speaker: Dr. Carl Friebel. Altruistic project: Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Research Fund.

Friday, March 5

HARRISON COUNTY Genealogical Society monthly meeting, 10 a.m., Waldomore, second floor. Call: 623-0222.

APPLICATIONS must be turned in for non-profit organizations that desire to receiving funding from United Way of Harrison County. Call: 624-6337.

March 5 through 7

CHRIST EPISCOPAL Church Regional Theatre presents Cotton Patch Gospel performance, church auditorium. Performances: 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 2 p.m. Sunday. $12. Reservations: 622-3694. Dessert buffet at intermission.

Saturday, March 6

THE INSPIRATIONS perform, 7 p.m., Parkersburg Christian School. Fellowship dinner, 2-4 p.m. Tickets: $10 in advance, $12 day of concert.

NEW BETHEL United Methodist Women cookbook on sale at Community Booth at the Meadowbrook Mall. Call: Elaine Daugherty, 745-5730.

BASKET BINGO, featuring Longaberger products, 1-3 p.m., at the old Lumberport fire department. To benefit Lincoln High School Band Boosters. Admission by ticket only. Cost, $20 each. For tickets, call Rhonda, 795-4356, or Twila, 584-5715.

March 6 through April 10

QUILT CLASSES begin at West Virginia Mountain Products Crafts Store, Quiet Dell School House, W.Va. 20. Advance classes, 10 a.m.-noon, beginners, 1-3 p.m. Call: 622-3304, 884-7920.

Monday, March 8

HARRISON COUNTY Community Educational Outreach Service County Council meeting, 9:30 a.m., 4-H Center, U.S. 19 south of Clarksburg. Call: Elaine Daugherty, 745-5730.

FRIENDS at the Clarksburg-Harrison Library Board meeting, 5 p.m., the Aquarium restaurant. Spouses/guests invited. Call Rebecca D'Annunzio at 623-1281 by March 3 for reservations.

March 8 through 10

ASPIRING INNKEEPER seminar and annual bed and breakfast conference, Graceland Conference Center, Elkins. Seminar, March 8, conference, March 9 and 10. Call: (888) 266-9516, e-mail, or

Tuesday, March 9

PRAYER MEETING, 9 a.m., God's World of Life, U.S. 50 East, Bridgeport. Call: Pastor Marty Basil, 842-5485.

ANNUAL JAZZ FESTIVAL, 7 p.m., Lincoln High School Auditorium, admission $5 adults, $4 students.

Monday, March 15

HARRISON COUNTY Parent/Educator Resource Center free workshop, 6:30 p.m., Bridgeport High School. Topic: Understanding I.E.P.

Tuesday, March 16

PRAYER MEETING, 9 a.m., First Baptist Church, U.S. 119, Grafton. Call: Pastor Tom Horne, 842-6552.

Thursday, March 18

ENTRY DEADLINE, Junior Royalty Pageant sponsored by the West Virginia Strawberry Festival. Pageant is March 27 at Buckhannon Upshur High School. Call Joyce Greene, director, at (304) 472-4256, or Carol Swisher, co-director, after 4 p.m. at (304) 472-6212 for an application. Or, write: Joyce Greene, Box 311A, Buckhannon, WV 26201.

March 19 through 21

EIGHTH ANNUAL Quilt Retreat, WVU Jackson's Mill. Registration: $45, call Lewis County Extension office, 269-4660.

Saturday, March 20

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1965 monthly breakfast get-together, 10 a.m.-noon, Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: 269-3399, 622-0061, 622-2129, 457-3097.

Monday, March 22

ADHD SUPPORT Group meeting by Harrison County Parent/Educator Resource Center, 6:30 p.m., Bridgeport High School.

Tuesday, March 23

SPRING BREAK Daycamp fees reduced by $5 if paid by today for April 5-9 camp. Call: Kim Jenks, 623-3303.

PRAYER MEETING, 9 a.m., Harmony Grove Baptist Church, off U.S. 250 toward Fairmont. Call: Pastor Brian Boggess, 366-1009.

Wednesday, March 24

HARRISON COUNTY Association of REALTORS sponsor seminar and trade show, Village Square Conference Center. Registration, 8-9 a.m., seminar until 5 p.m. Seven hours of continuing education credit offered. Speaker: Darryl Davis of Darryl Davis Seminars.

COUNCIL of Social Agencies and United Way Volunteer Action Center offer workshop, "PR Strategies for Non-Profits," 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Monongalia General Hospital conference room. Instructor: Julie Cryser, public relations/alumni development for WVU Perley Issac Reed School of Journalism. $15 includes materials, lunch, snacks. Registration: VAC, 278C Spruce Street, Morgantown, WV 26505; call: Diane Kisinger, United Way, (304) 296-7525.

Friday, March 26

FAMILY NIGHT, Harrison County YMCA, featuring "No Dive in Movie" in the pool. Activities, refreshments. Registration: Elizabeth Keough, 623-3303.

Monday, March 29

HARRISON COUNTY Parent/Educator Resource Center free workshop, 6:30 p.m., Bridgeport High School. Topic: Transition Fair.

Tuesday, March 30

PRAYER MEETING, 9 a.m., House of Faith, U.S. 19 north of Clarksburg. Call: Pastor Delores White, 622-2538.

Saturday, April 3

LADIES AUXILIARY of Fairview Volunteer Fire Department hosts craft show, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., fire department. Pizza and sandwich sale, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Call: (304) 449-1257, 366-5892.

Saturday, April 5

WVU EXTENDED Learning registration open for non-credit class, Beginning Golf, a six-week opportunity for beginning and intermediate golfers, begins with lecture, Robert C. Byrd High School. Classes follow at Bel Meadow Country Club.

April 5 through 9

SPRING BREAK Daycamp registration being accepted. Call: Kim Jenks, 623-3303.

Sunday, April 6

PPD/AUTISM Support Group meeting by Harrison County Parent/Educator Resource Center, 6 p.m., United Hospital Center, Classroom F.

PRAYER MEETING, 9 a.m., Little Rock Camp Baptist Church, Little Rock Camp. Call: Pastor Tim Sandy, 584-4355.

SPAGHETTI DINNER sponsored by Lincoln High School Band Boosters, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Lincoln High School, Shinnston. $6 adults, $4 children. Tickets available from band members or at door. Call: Jill Stalnaker, 622-2206.

Saturday, April 17

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1965 monthly breakfast get-together, 10 a.m.-noon, Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: 269-3399, 622-0061, 622-2129, 457-3097.

Sunday, April 18

2004 MS WALK in Lewisburg and Clarksburg. Call: (304) 343-5153.

Monday, April 19

HARRISON COUNTY Parent/Educator Resource Center free workshop, 6:30 p.m., Bridgeport High School. Topic: Understanding special education.

April 23, May 28, June 11

MONTHLY G.E.D. test, United Technical Center. Writing skills testing begins 7 a.m.; one test 10 a.m. Picture identification required. $50. Registration: UTC, 624-3369, ext. 2.

Saturday, April 24

YMCA ELIMINATION dinner/silent auction to benefit Partner with Your Scholarship Fund 4-H Center, 5:30 p.m. Tickets: Kim Jenks, 623-3303.

Monday, April 26

ADHD SUPPORT Group meeting by Harrison County Parent/Educator Resource Center, 6:30 p.m., Bridgeport High School.

April 30, May 1 and 2

Ronald McDonald House of Morgantown Craft Show, 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Meadowbrook Mall. Call: Ellen Ball at (304) 457-3097, e-mail,

Monday, May 4

PPD/AUTISM Support Group meeting by Harrison County Parent/Educator Resource Center, 6 p.m., United Hospital Center, Classroom F.

Saturday, May 15

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1965 monthly breakfast get-together, 10 a.m.-noon, Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: 269-3399, 622-0061, 622-2129, 457-3097.

May 19 through 22

WEST VIRGINIA Strawberry Festival and Stonewall Jackson Photo Club photography exhibit and contest, Bill Kelley Chevrolet, Buckhannon. Call: (304) 292-4038, 534-5188.

Monday, June 1

PPD/AUTISM Support Group meeting by Harrison County Parent/Educator Resource Center, 6 p.m., United Hospital Center, Classroom F.

Saturday, June 19

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1965 monthly breakfast get-together, 10 a.m.-noon, Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: 269-3399, 622-0061, 622-2129, 457-3097.

Saturday, July 17

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1965 monthly breakfast get-together, 10 a.m.-noon, Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: 269-3399, 622-0061, 622-2129, 457-3097.

Monday, Aug. 3

PPD/AUTISM Support Group meeting by Harrison County Parent/Educator Resource Center, 6 p.m., United Hospital Center, Classroom F.

Aug. 5 through 7

EIGHTH ANNUAL West Virginia Blackberry Festival, Nutter Fort.

Saturday, Aug. 21

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1965 monthly breakfast get-together, 10 a.m.-noon, Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: 269-3399, 622-0061, 622-2129, 457-3097.

Tuesday, Sept. 7

PPD/AUTISM Support Group meeting by Harrison County Parent/Educator Resource Center, 6 p.m., United Hospital Center, Classroom F.

Saturday, Sept. 18

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1965 monthly breakfast get-together, 10 a.m.-noon, Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: 269-3399, 622-0061, 622-2129, 457-3097.

Tuesday, Oct. 5

PPD/AUTISM Support Group meeting by Harrison County Parent/Educator Resource Center, 6 p.m., United Hospital Center, Classroom A.

Saturday, Oct. 16

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1965 monthly breakfast get-together, 10 a.m.-noon, Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: 269-3399, 622-0061, 622-2129, 457-3097.

Tuesday, Nov. 2

PPD/AUTISM Support Group meeting by Harrison County Parent/Educator Resource Center, 6 p.m., United Hospital Center, Classroom F.

Saturday, Nov. 20

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1965 monthly breakfast get-together, 10 a.m.-noon, Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: 269-3399, 622-0061, 622-2129, 457-3097.

Tuesday, Dec. 7

PPD/AUTISM Support Group meeting by Harrison County Parent/Educator Resource Center, 6 p.m., United Hospital Center, Classroom F.

Saturday, Dec. 18

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1965 monthly breakfast get-together, 10 a.m.-noon, Eat 'N Park restaurant, Bridgeport. Call: 269-3399, 622-0061, 622-2129, 457-3097.