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Clarksburg Publishing
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Calendar of Events

Fax items for Calendar of Events to (304) 624-4188, e-mail to, or mail them to Clarksburg Exponent and Telegram, P.O. Box 2000, Clarksburg, WV 26302. Items will not be taken over the phone. Items should be brief and must include a contact person and phone number. Deadline for submission is noon Monday through Friday, no exceptions.

Tuesday, Nov. 20

CENTRAL WEST Virginia Toastmasters meeting third Tuesdays 6:30 p.m., Sunset Ellis restaurant, U.S. Route 19, south of Shinnston. Call: 842-2826 or 842-4447.

BLOOD DRIVE 1-7 p.m., Braxton County Memorial Hospital, multipurpose room.

GUARDIANS of the West Fork monthly meeting 7 p.m., Waldomore.

MENDED HEARTS meeting 7 p.m., John E. Jones Conference Center, WVU Health Sciences Center, Morgantown. Topic: Geographic differences in cardiovascular disease mortality. Call: (304) 864-0105.

Through Nov. 21

FOOD DRIVE for Clarksburg Mission during Customer Appreciation Days at CitiFinancial. Bring non-perishable food items to 122 Emily Drive, Eastpointe, or 522 Emily Drive, New Pointe. Call: 624-6524, 622-5233.

Wednesday, Nov. 21

THANKSGIVING dinner noon-2 p.m., Clarksburg Mission.

FRATERNAL ORDER of Eagles auxiliary meeting canceled due to Thanksgiving holiday.

NO MID-WEEK worship, Bridgeport Baptist Church, 556 Worthington Drive, Bridgeport.

ROOSEVELT-WILSON High School Class of 1946 monthly breakfast is canceled until Dec. 19.

PRAYER MEETING/Bible study 7 p.m., Pentecostal Church of the Living God, Stout Street, Stonewood. Call: 624-0502.

BINGO 7 p.m., VFW, Salem. Doors open 5:30 p.m., early birds 6 p.m. Sponsor: Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary Post No. 9151, Salem.

Thursday, Nov. 22

CLARKSBURG KIWANIS Club meeting canceled.

Saturday, Nov. 24

VETERANS OF FOREIGN Wars and Ladies Auxiliary Post No. 9151, Salem, 1 p.m. writing program, addressing cards, Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center.

Nov. 24 through 25

CHRISTMAS CRAFT Show at National Guard Armory, Buckhannon. Times: Saturday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sunday noon-5 p.m., with Santa 1-3 p.m.

Sunday, Nov. 25

HOMECOMING 10 a.m., Reynoldsville New Hope Christian Church. Covered dish dinner 12:30 p.m. Afternoon service 1:30 p.m. Singing. Call: 622-2325.

HARD TIMES Benefit for Kids. Harrison County Chapter annual Toy Run. Line up at South Harrison High School, travel to Harrison County Courthouse in Clarksburg. Departure: Noon. Entry fee: New, unwrapped toy. Call: Kevin, 623-9146.

Through Nov. 26

ROBERT C. BYRD High School Band is taking orders for cookie dough. See any band member or call 622-1241.

Monday, Nov. 26

WEST MILFORD Lions Club meeting 5:30 p.m., Philip's restaurant parking lot. To participate in Clarksburg Christmas parade. Call: 745-5354.

BLOOD DRIVE noon-6 p.m., Reedsville Volunteer Fire Department and Morgantown Blood Center, Pineview Drive.

CLARKSBURG CHRISTMAS Parade in downtown Clarksburg 6 p.m.

RESERVATION DEADLINE for Holiday Dinner Dance Nov. 30 at Harrison County Senior Citizens Center. Dinner 6-7 p.m., dance 7:30-10:30 p.m. Cost: $6, advance ticket sales only.

LIONS CLUB of Clarksburg annual spaghetti dinner noon-8 p.m., VFW Post No. 573, Clarksburg. Adults $5, students $3. Children under 5 eat free. Takeouts: 622-7203, 842-3793. Proceeds benefit Sight and Welfare Fund.

CLARKSBURG KNIGHTS of Columbus No. 872 meets 7:30 p.m. Robert Petitto Knights of Columbus Hall, 334 E. Pike St., Clarksburg. Call: Joseph Tiano, 622-0248.

WEST MILFORD Lions Club meeting 6:30 p.m., West Milford Community Center. Call: 745-3285.

ATTENTION DEFICIT/Hyperactivity Support Group meets 6:30 p.m., Bridgeport High School Call: Melody, 842-5632.

Through Nov. 27

KNEAD-A-FRIEND three-week Swedish Massage course 6-8 p.m., YMCA, Clarksburg. Cost: $120 per person. Instructor: Valarie A. Dunlevy, BA, LMT, nationally certified and ABMP registered. Call: Dunlevy, 624-3600; e-mail:

Tuesday, Nov. 27

RESERVATION DUE for Catholic Daughters of the America Christmas dinner to be held Dec. 2, Holiday Inn, Bridgeport. Social 5:30 p.m., dinner 6 p.m. Bring gift for nursing home patient, wrapped and labeled for male or female. Call: Ann, 842-1796, Mary, 842-5705.

ROOSEVELT-WILSON High School Class of 1952 meeting 5:30 p.m., Parkette Restaurant. Call: Mary Frances, 623-0375.

WOMAN'S CLUB of Nutter Fort executive board meeting 7:30 p.m., Nutter Fort Public Library.

VICTORY HIGH School Class of 1956 dinner 6:30 p.m., Raymon's restaurant. Call: Dixie, 623-4743.

LADIES AUXILIARY of Knights of Columbus, Clarksburg Council, meeting 7 p.m. Initiation of new member. Membership: 623-2674.

WILSONBURG LIONS Club meeting/covered-dish dinner 6:30 p.m., Wilsonburg Baptist Church; Friendship Night. Call: 623-0305.

Wednesday, Nov. 28

FRATERNAL ORDER of Eagles auxiliary meeting 6 p.m., aerie home, Clarksburg. Covered dish 7 p.m. Initiation of new members.

LOST CREEK Lions Club Christmas tree sale begins noon-8 p.m. daily, Railroad Depot.

MARATHON READING of Beat literature 1 p.m.-dark, Fireside Room of Turley Center, Fairmont State College. Call: Dr. Donna Long, 367-4180, e-mail

REGISTRATION DEADLINE for Holiday Chess Tournament to be held Dec. 1. Register: C/O Robert Jordan, 523 Pennsylvania Ave., Bridgeport, WV 26330; online:

MARINE CORPS LEAGUE, D.H.L. Detachment 981, Clarksburg, meets 7 p.m., Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 573. First time members bring copy of DD-214 or discharge papers. Call: Commandant Bobby Lee Woodard, 745-4495.

PRAYER MEETING/Bible Study 7 p.m., Pentecostal Church of the Living God, Stout Street, Stonewood. Call: 624-0502.

BINGO 7 p.m., Veterans of Foreign Wars, Salem. Doors open 5:30 p.m., early birds 6 p.m. Sponsor: Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary Post No. 9151, Salem, post home.

SALEM GARDEN Club meets 10 a.m. to decorate Fort New Salem. Angel Tree donations taken.

MARINE CORPS League D.H.L. Det. 981 meeting 7 p.m., VFW Post No. 573, Clarksburg. Newcomers bring copy of DD-214 or discharge papers. Call: Bobby Lee Woodard, 745-4495, Harold Wilson, 842-5846.

Thursday, Nov. 29

VICTORY HIGH School class of 1949 covered dish luncheon meeting 1 p.m., Our Lady of Perpetual Help Hall, Stonewood. Call: Argyle Shingleton, 622-3198, Jim Nichols, 623-2138, Duane Danield, 592-3277.

SANTA'S LIVE Magical Reindeer 5-8 p.m., Sears Court, Meadowbrook Mall. Photos with Santa, Monday-Saturday, 11 a.m.-8 p.m., Sundays, noon-6 p.m. Call: 842-5441.

CLARKSBURG KIWANIS Club meeting noon, Jim Reid's restaurant. Speaker: Greg Parsons, general manager of Stonewall Jackson Resort.

FRATERNAL ORDER of Eagles, Clarksburg, meeting 8 p.m., aerie home.

Through Nov. 30

CITY OF CLARKSBURG Fall Leaf Pickup. Put out bagged leaves on day of scheduled recycling pickup. Call: Public Works Center, 624-1611, 624-1612.

Friday, Nov. 30

BLOOD DRIVE 1-7 p.m., First Baptist Church, Route 119 South, Grafton. Sponsor: Grafton Hospital Auxiliary. Call: 598-0732 or 1-800-732-0383.

HOLIDAY DINNER Dance at Harrison County Senior Citizens Center. Dinner 6-7 p.m., dance 7:30-10:30 p.m. Cost: $6, advance ticket sales only.

LIONS CLUB of Clarksburg meeting noon, Minard's restaurant. Program: "How I Can." Speaker: Robert O'Quinn.

Through Dec. 1

ORDERS being taken for Pita Piata's. Baked by St. James Catholic Church Altar Rosary Society. Call: 623-2764, 623-2674.

Saturday, Dec. 1

CHRISTMAS on Campus noon-5 p.m., West Virginia Wesleyan College. Registration: Green Room, Rockefeller gym. Call: Heidi Tucker, 473-7550,

BREAKFAST with Santa 9:30 a.m., Garfield's restaurant. Reservations: 842-8556. Photos: Monday-Saturday, 11 a.m.-8 p.m., Sunday, noon-6 p.m.

HARRISON COUNTY Checkmates hosts holiday chess tournament at Nutter Fort Elementary School. Check in 8:30 a.m., tournament day.

BRIDGEPORT CHRISTMAS parade in downtown Bridgeport 10 a.m.

HUNTER'S WIDOW Flea Market and Hot Dog sale 9 a.m.-6 p.m., Sardis Community Center. Hot dog sale begins 11 a.m. Call: Sondra, 783-5485.

GOSPEL MUSIC concert with Squire Parsons and The Squire Parsons trio 7 p.m., Faith Christian Fellowship, Route 20 south of Clarksburg. Also performing, Brittany Palmer, Fairmont.

OSHA SEMINAR 7 a.m.-6 p.m., Fairmont State College, Room MMA of Ruth Ann Musick Library. Cost: $175. Sponsor: School of Technology. Call: 367-4156.

"CHRISTMAS REMEMBERED" noon-4:30 p.m., Stonewall Jackson House, 8 East Washington St., Lexington, Va. Free tours, refreshments. Call: (540) 463-2552.

CHRISTMAS BAZAAR 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Philippi City Building basement, Main Street, Philippi. Christmas Parade 6 p.m. Table reservations, questions: Barbour County Senior Center, (304) 457-4545.

Dec. 1 and 2

25TH SANTA LAND Christmas Craft Show, Robert C. Byrd High School. Times: 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, noon-5 p.m. Sunday. 130 craft tables. Free admission and parking. No spaces available. Handicapped accessible. Sponsor: RCB and Washington Irving Middle schools.

Dec. 1-2 and 8-9

FORT NEW Salem "Spirit of Christmas in the Mountains," Fort New Salem, Route 50, 12 miles west of Clarksburg, exit Route 23. Cost: Adults $5, students $3.50, group rates. Food. Call: Carol Schweiker, 782-5245 or e-mail

Dec. 1 through 18

TICKETS on sale for "Silent Night," a Christmas celebration set Dec. 21. Presented by Anna's Expressions of Dance & Allegro Dance Co. Call 624-5765 or 624-9660 or stop at studio, 120 Linden Ave., Clarksburg. Cost: $5.

Sunday, Dec. 2

CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS of the America Christmas dinner at Holiday Inn, Bridgeport. Social 5:30 p.m., dinner 6 p.m. Bring gift for nursing home patient, wrapped and labeled for male or female. Call: Ann, 842-1796, Mary, 842-5705.

Monday, Dec. 3

WOMAN'S CLUB of Nutter Fort annual Christmas dinner 6 p.m., Damon's restaurant. Bring non-perishable food item, secret sisters gift.

NOMINATION DEADLINE for Celebrate Women Awards. Forms/information: (304) 558-0070, e-mail,, or West Virginia Women's Commission, 350 Capitol St., Charleston, WV 25301-3700.

Tuesday, Dec. 4

ALPHA DELTA KAPPA, Beta Chapter dinner meeting 5:30 p.m., Clarksburg Masonic Temple. Program: Lincoln High School Gospel Choir.

ANNUAL ELECTION of Sardis Community Council, Ltd. 6 p.m., Sardis Community Center. Call: Sondra, 783-5485.

WILSONBURG LIONS Club board meeting 7 p.m., Wilsonburg Baptist Church. Call: 623-0305.

Wednesday, Dec. 5

FRATERNAL ORDER of Police regular meeting for active members 7:30 p.m., old Lodge Hall, Route 50. Elections for 2002 officers. Call: Rick Barnhart, 584-5830. Meeting previously scheduled for Dec. 6.

Thursday, Dec. 6

HANGING of the greens 5:30-7:30 p.m., Kresge Hall, West Virginia Wesleyan College, Buckhannon. Call: 473-8007.

NUTTER FORT Lions Club meeting 6:30 p.m., Jim Reid's restaurant. Call: Rudy Bozarth, 622-6643.

HOLIDAY ART Tour and Auction benefits Harrison County YMCA swim team. Call: 623-3303.

Dec. 6, 8-9

BRIDGEPORT HIGH School presents "Joseph," school auditorium. Times: Dec. 6, 7:30 p.m., Dec. 8-9, 2:30 p.m. Cost: Reserved, $7, general admission, $4. Tickets from any cast member or 842-6785.

Friday, Dec. 7

FOOD FEST 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Shinnston United Methodist Church. Sponsor: United Methodist Women. Call: Church office, 592-0241.

VETERANS of Oil and Gas Industries luncheon meeting, The Wilderness, Jane Lew. Social hour 11 a.m., lunch at noon. Call Glen Perine, Bob Spencer.

Dec. 7 and 8

LIBERTY HIGH School presents A Christmas Carol 7:30 p.m. Cost: General $4, reserved $6. Call: 624-3264.

Saturday, Dec. 8

ROOSEVELT-WILSON High School Class of 1965 monthly breakfast 9 a.m., Dave's restaurant. Call: Connie Poling, 622-5551, Ilene Corathers, 745-5444.

WEST VIRGINIA THEATRE marionette show, "Aladdin and his Magic Lamp," 2:30 p.m., Clarksburg-Harrison Public Library. Call: Mary Loomis, 627-2236.

HOLIDAY HISTORIC House Tour 4 p.m., Marion County Historical Society Museum, 211 Adams St., Fairmont. Cost: $15. Brunch/tour of Fairmont Field Club, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Dec. 8 through 9

DRIVE-THRU Nativity with live characters and animals 6-8 p.m., Middleville Baptist Church, Route 50 east to Harrison/Taylor County line, turn left onto Middleville Road and follow the signs. Call: 842-3601.

Sunday, Dec. 9

FESTIVAL of Lessons and Carols 6 p.m. Wesley Chapel, West Virginia Wesleyan College, Buckhannon.

SLOVAK-POLISH Society Christmas party 1-5 p.m., Holiday Inn.

Monday, Dec. 10

WEST MILFORD Lions Club annual family covered dish Christmas party 6:30 p.m., West Milford Community Center. Santa. Call: 745-3285.

VICTORY High School Class of 1954 get-together 6 p.m., Raymon's restaurant, Clarksburg. Call: 842-4384, e-mail

Tuesday, Dec. 11

DEADLINE to return filled, dressed Christmas stockings to Salvation Army. Call: 622-2360.

CHRISTMAS cookie exchange 6:30 p.m., Parent Education Project classes, United Summit Center, Clarksburg. Register: Pam Harper, 623-5661, Melody, 842-5632.

Thursday, Dec. 13

REGION VI Workforce Investment Executive Board meeting 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Region VI WIB Conference Room, first floor of West Virginia State Complex, Adams Street, Fairmont. Call: Jeffrey G. Smith, (304) 368-9530.

MEETING of Lumberport Lions Club meeting 6:30 p.m., Sunset-Ellis restaurant, near Shinnston.

QUEEN ESTHER CHAPTER 11, Order of the Eastern Star meets 7:30 p.m., Masonic Temple. Sample Night observed. Bring dessert or salad. Call: 842-3062.

Friday, Dec. 14

HARRISON COUNTY Genealogical Society's annual Christmas dinner 6 p.m., Parkette restaurant.

Dec. 14 through 15

INTERACTIVE EXHIBIT commemorating 100 anniversary of Salem fire. "Accident or Arson? Catastrophic Fire Sweeps City and Sparks Human Response -- in 1901?" 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Salem Depot and Jennings Randolph House, Salem. Call: Carol Schweiker, 792-5245 or email

Saturday, Dec. 15

ALLEGRO DANCE Co. performs 1 p.m., Meadowbrook Mall.

Through Dec. 18

HOLIDAY YOGA session every Tuesday 7-8 p.m., Anna's Expressions of Dance, Clarksburg. Instructor: Anna Pishner. Call: 624-5765.

Tuesday, Dec. 18

LOOK GOOD, Feel Better Program third Tuesday every month 6-8 p.m., Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital, second floor classroom. Sponsor: SJMH and American Cancer Society. Call: Julia Spelsberg, 269-8167.

Thursday, Dec. 20

NUTTER FORT Lions Club Christmas dinner/meeting 6:30 p.m., Jim Reid's restaurant. LCIF Melvin Jones award given. Call: Rudy Bozarth, 622-6643.

Friday, Dec. 21

"SILENT NIGHT," a Christmas Celebration 7 p.m., by Anna's Expressions of Dance & Allegro Dance Company with guests SilverWood and dancers from around the world, Old Linden Grade School, 120 Linden Ave., Clarksburg. Director: Anna Pishner.