down. 622-0350
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CONTRACTOR'S HOME in Broad Oaks. 2 story, 8 rooms w/remodeled kithen, 3 BR, 2\4 BA, new roof, vinyl siding & deck. 314 Rosemont Ave. 622-2894
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EXCELLENT HOME by owner. 3 BR, 2\4 BA, FR w/FP, laund., 2 car gar., fenced back yd. All in good neighborhood. Close all schools. 842-6006.
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FOR SALE or Lease: Trailer located in Burnsville. Call for details, 884-7806.
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FOR SALE or Lease: Trailer located in Zickefoose Trailer Park, Buckhannon. Call for details, 884-7806.
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49 acres, easy access, Reduced to $35,900. Romark Realty, Br 782-1314
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NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL! Turn of the century farmhouse w/23 ac. Great location. Only 2/10ths of a mi. from Rt. 50, 10 mi. W. of C'Burg. House has beautiful oak woodwork, stairs, flrs & 6 mantles. Orig. light fixtures, wraparound porch & custom storm windows. Other features are garages, stables, barns, cellar house, pool, pool house & brand new septic system. Recently listed at $109,500. Owner needs quick sale. Will sacrifice for $89,500 w/owner paying $1,000 toward closing costs w/closing within 30 days. Call 622-1388.
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RANCH STYLE brick home on Melrose St., Edgewood Add'n. Call 622-1111 or 842-7203.
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TETER LAKE lot & camper. well water, elec., & septic. Exc. trout fishing. $6,200. 534-3538
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THREE BEDROOM Brick Split-Foyer, new roof, A/C and heating, 25 min. from FBI, near Rivesville Middle School. 278-5533
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100 ACRE Farm with house & barn. 8 miles east of Grafton in Preston County. 304-329-3728 or 329-3611.
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1990 FLEETWOOD 52x14, incl. stove & refrig., $800 down, $175/mo. Can stay on rented lot. Call 842-8778.
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2 ACRES Off Rt. 119, between Grafton & Morgantown at Kimberly Estates. Asking $14,000. Phone 842-4140.
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2 PRETTIEST Acres in Harrison Co. Flat to gently rolling, cleared. Utilities avail. May divide. West Milford area. 622-4783.
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4800 SQUARE FEET, I-79 Suds Run Rd. Call 623-6303.
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house w/partial bsmt., garage. $17,000. Johnson Ave., Liberty Add'n. 783-5432.
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