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ADAMSTON: Clean 5 rooms & BA. Water pd. $365/mo. & sec. dep. 783-5137.

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AN UPSTAIRS 4 RM, BA, New paint, FA heat, water pd. $200 + sec. No pets. 623-5028

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APPROX. 1600 sq. ft. Perfect for detailing business or storage of cars, boats, etc. Must see garage. Rent $400 depending on util. used for your needs. Call 624-7052

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BRICK 2BR, newly redecor., good n-hood, 2 blocks from main fire sta. $325/mo., sec. dep., wat. pd. 622-5764, lv. msg.

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BRIDGEPORT Duplex, garage, 2br, 1.5 bathprivate, immed. occupancy 842-5755

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BRIDGEPORT 3 BR, 2\4 ba, LR, DR, master suite. 2 stall garage. New home located in Shearwood Forest. $975 mo. + sec. 842-2444

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900 SQ. FT. Cost Ave., Stonewood 623-9203 after 5 PM

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C'BURG Lincoln St. Nice 3 room apt. $250 or $360 w/util. Also 3 room unfurn. $195. 842-6425.

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CHESTNUT HILLS Modern 1 BR, refrig/stove, garage, water pd. No pets. $325. 623-1310.

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CLARKSBURG Nice 3 BR home with LR & DR, newly remodeled, off st. prkg., $475/mo. + sec. 842-2444 after 5pm.

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CLOSE TO Downtown, 2 BR, W/D incl., water pd. No pets. No smoking. $300/mo. + $150 sec. dep. & lease req. 624-4655

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EXECUTIVE DUPLEX, 5 rm., gar. in bsmt., stove, refrig., FA heat, clean, quiet loc. $350 + sec. dep. & util. No pets. 623-2504

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HAYWOOD RD Ranch style. 2 BR, Lg LR, garage. Breezeway/patio. 592-2561

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LARGE 2BR newly remodeled, stove/refrig., W/D hookup, ground floor, private parking. $400/mo. plus sec. 624-6014, after 1 pm.

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NORTH VIEW, 1803 Goff Ave., red brick 2 BR cottage, F/A, refrig., stove, W/D. No pets. Sec. dep. req. $285/mo. Call eves, 623-0983.

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NUTTER FORT, 4 rms. & BA, water & garb. pd. No pets. $185/mo. + sec. dep. 624-4876.

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NUTTER FORT 2 BR, refrig./stove. $275/mo. Sec. dep. required. No utilities pd. No pets. 623-9203 after 5 PM.

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OFF I-79 Exit 117 one of the nicest 2br units in area. Many extras. Lease + sec. 623-2824.

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ONE BEDROOM Apt. $260 mo. + utilities. Parking. Off Chestnut St. Exit. 622-2591 ask for Cindy.

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PRIME COMMERCIAL Space avail., 917 W. Pike. 3400 to 6400 sq. ft. Ample off st. prkg, 2 private ofcs., one w/built-in book shelves, sm. kit. area & separate restrooms. Less than $1.00 per sq. ft. 622-1388.

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PRIVATE - VERY CLEAN Nice neighborhood, 3 rooms & BA, new carpet, low util. No pets. No smoking. $275/mo. plus sec. dep. Call 623-2843.

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ROOMS- PRIVATE Entrance. Utilities, TV, Phone paid. Maid service. 622-3710.

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SALEM Modern 2 BR, beside laundromat. Call 782-4428.

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SHINNSTON, 2 BR w/stove & refrig., carpet, nice back yd. No pets. Sec. dep. 592-1159 or 623-4421.

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TWO BEDROOM 245 Liberty Ave., Hartland Add. Call 842-3544.

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VERY NICE 3 BR, Broad Oaks, all appls. incl. W/D, integral gar., fenced yd. Avail. 3/1. 842-1167, lv. msg.

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VERY PRIVATE Clean, 3 rooms & bath, utilities pd., parking, good neighborhood. 622-2879

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YOU'LL LIKE this 1 BR ground flr., carpeted, nice Stealey area, water pd. No smoking. No pets. Lease/sec. $210. 623-9260.

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3BR HOUSE for rent, full bsmt., garage, in Monongah, $500/mo. Call 287-2519.

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3 BR mobile home, includes all utilities except electric, $395/mo. 592-3973.

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3BR TOWNHOUSE Bridgeport, 1\4 baths, F/A, AC, fully carpeted. No pets. $500/mo. + $300 sec. dep. 842-4530.

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2 BR Duplex, $165/mo. + sec. No refrigerator or stove 624-6773

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2 BEDROOM Home. $200/mo., $175 sec. Main St., West Milford. Contact John Myers.

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2 BR mobile home located between Nutter Fort & Quiet Dell, $300/mo. Call 842-5652.

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2 BEDROOM No pets. $350/mo. plus sec. dep. Phone 842-3575

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2 BR, shower with tub, water pd., stove/refrig, w/w carpeting. Call 623-1766.

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2 BR, 1 BA, \4 mi from town, off street parking, good neighborhood, nice back yard, storage bldg. $300 plus sec. 622-7584, leave mess.

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1BR w/den, furnished kit., mini-blinds, quiet & convenient $250/mo. sec. $200. No dogs. Util. not incl. Shown by appt. call before 9pm 622-3141.

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1 BR 2 stall apt. Stealey, refrig./stove., W/D hook-up. $275/mo. No pets. No util. pd. Sec. dep required. 623-9203 after 5 PM.

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3 ROOM & Bath. Pvt. parking. water paid. $200 mo. + dep. 842-4429.

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5 ROOMS & BATH & Basement and walk-in attic. New F/A furnace & newly painted. Small detached car storage. One of the quieter areas of Clarksburg. Security Deposit & References required. $300/mo. + util. 623-6114.

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123 MILFORD St. Apts. for rent. Single BR. $380 mo. All utilities paid. 623-0144.

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1350 SQ. FT. Nutter Fort Area 623-9203 after 5 PM

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