It is OK to be an environmentalist. We have no mantra that must be chanted daily. We have no dress code of sandals and tie-dye. You can hug trees, but it is not required. Many consider themselves sport fans, but they do not feel the need to wear cheese-type objects and paint their bodies.
One can be a conservative and an environmentalist. Many of the projects questioned by environmentalists are also questioned by conservatives. Advocates of Corridor H and other road programs have yet to show any economic impact other than short-term jobs.
One can be a Christian and an environmentalist. Many know the lyrics, "This is my Father's world, and to my listening ears; all nature sings and 'round me rings, the music of the spheres."
Stewardship of this earth is very important. We should protect all God's creatures.
Saturday, April 22, is Earth Day 2000. Whatever your world view, we must remember that we did not inherit this earth. We are merely caretakers for our future generations.