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Regional Calendar of Events

Fax items for Calendar of Events to (304) 624-4188, e-mail to, or mail them to Clarksburg Exponent and Telegram, P.O. Box 2000, Clarksburg, WV 26302. Items will not be taken over the phone. Items should be brief and must include a contact person and phone number. Deadline for submission is noon Monday through Friday, no exceptions. Every effort will be made to run as much of the Calendar of Events as possible.

Saturday, April 22

SIGHT CONSERVATION Day observed by West Milford Lions Club. Club members will accept donations for the West Virginia Lions sight programs from 9 a.m.-7 p.m. at Eastpointe Kroger.

SPRING CLEANUP of the Sardis District from 7 a.m.-7 p.m. today; 7-11 a.m. Saturday. Sponsor: Sardis Community Council.

RAMP COOK-OFF and Festival from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at Elkins City Park. Cook-off begins at noon. Entry form: $25 to reserve space (10x10 table) under tent. To sell items in park: 636-2717 or 1-800-422-3304 to register and pay small fee.

SPECIAL EASTER services at 7 p.m. at Evangel Baptist Church, Airport Road, Bridgeport. With the Rev. Bobby Lowther and Entertainment. Easter sunrise service: 7 a.m.

25TH ANNUAL Holy Week service at 7 p.m. at Sardis Baptist Church. Theme: "For God So Loved."

ANMOORE FIRE Department's Elimination Dinner has been cancelled. If anyone purchased a ticket and has not received a refund, contact Anmoore Fire Department.

BAKE and craft sale from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. at Newpointe Wal-Mart to help the medical needs of Heaven McIntire, who had a bone-marrow transplant. Sponsor: Big Hearted Friends Kids Club.

AMATEUR RADIO testing session at 10 a.m. in Room A, United Hospital Center, Clarksburg.

BABY ANIMAL and Small Pet Show from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at Lewis County Courthouse parking lot, Weston. Dress Your Pet Contest: 10:30 a.m.; Small Pet Show: 11 a.m.; Cat Show: 11:30 a.m.; Dog Show: noon. Ribbons will be awarded. For more information or to pre-register: 269-4660. Sponsor: Lewis County 4-H.

DANCE, with Night Moves, from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Fraternal Order of Eagles, 124 W. Pike St., Clarksburg. For more information: 622-7231.

Sunday, April 23

EASTER SERVICES at The Salvation Army, 1000 South Chestnut St. Early service: 8 a.m.; Sunday school: 9:45 a.m.; morning worship: 11 a.m. Salvation Army Youth "Bell Choir" will play the hand bells. Senior Songsters and Junior Songsters will sing at 11 a.m.

EASTER SERVICES at Swisher Hill Union Mission Church, Route 19. Sunrise service: 6:30 a.m., with a continuation of the youth program, then breakfast in the fellowship hall. Sunday school: 9:45 a.m.; morning worship service: 10:45 a.m., with the Rev. Carl Jenkins. Baptizing service at approximately 12:30 p.m. at Worthington Park. Evening service: 7 p.m., with the Rev. Carl Jenkins, pastor, and the Rev. Chad Weaver, associate pastor. For information: 287-7141.

EASTER DRAMA -- "Matzot: The Last Eight Days" final act at 9:30 a.m. at Lumberport Baptist Church, Main Street, Lumberport. Stephen Howe, a student at Lincoln High, wrote the play. For more information: 622-6073.

ADULT SANCTUARY Choir of Trinity Assembly of God in Fairmont will present the musical/drama presentation "Safe in the Cross" at 7 p.m.

CHILDREN'S EASTER egg hunt and Friendship Service at 10 a.m. at Light of Life Church, Old Route 50, Clarksburg, across from Harry Green Chevrolet. For information: 624-1074.

SUNRISE SERVICE at 6 a.m. at Sardis Baptist Church.

EASTER CANTATA at 11 a.m. by the Wilsonburg Baptist Church Choir under the direction of Mitchell Lucas. Theme: "The Door." For more information: 783-5289.

ANNUAL EASTER egg hunt at 2 p.m. at Glen Ganoe Farm, High Street, West Milford. For children up to age 16. Prizes. Sponsor: The Khi Club and West Milford Lions Club. For more information: 745-3954.

SPECIAL EASTER morning worship service at 11 a.m. at Lost Creek United Methodist Church.

Monday, April 24

GFWC-NUTTER FORT Woman's Club meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Celebration Room at the former Roosevelt-Wilson High School. For more information: 622-8322 or 622-6989.

CLARKSBURG COUNCIL No. 872, Knights of Columbus, meets at 7:30 p.m. at Robert Petitto Knights of Columbus Hall, 334 East Pike St., Clarksburg. For more information: Joseph Tiano at 622-0248.

OMEGA SHRINE No. 15, Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem, meets at 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic Temple. Worthy High Priestess Elinor Tonelli and Watchman of the Shepherds Kenneth Griffin officiating. Installation of officers and refreshments. For more information: 842-6663.

MEETING -- Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Support Group meets at 6:30 p.m. at Bridgeport High School. Last meeting of the school year. For more information or assistance: 842-5632.

MEETING -- Women of the Moose, Clarksburg Chapter 409, meets at 7 p.m. at the Loyal Order of Moose No. 52 Lodge, 150 W. Main St., Clarksburg. Installation of new officers.

MEETING -- Doddridge County High School Class of 1975 will meet at 7 p.m. at the Extension Office in the basement of the Doddridge County Courthouse.

NATIONAL DANCE Week will be celebrated with a proclamation by city officials and keynote speaker Rachael Worby at noon at the Harrison County Courthouse. Guests performances by area dancers until 1 p.m. For more information: 624-5765.

BALLET CLASS at 4 p.m. at 120 Linden Ave., Clarksburg. Teacher: Cheryl Workman of Steifle Fine Arts Institute. Cost: $5, in conjunction with National Dance Week. For reservations or more information: 624-5765.

MEETING -- Millennium Quilters Guild will meet at 6:30 p.m. at Maplewood Retirement Community, U.S. Route 50. For more information: 623-3593 or 622-4755.

April 24 and April 27

DODDRIDGE COUNTY L.I.N.K.S Program will conduct assessments from 6-8 p.m. of individuals' academic skill levels to see how well they match up with job requirements and skill level necessary for a job. Assessment recommended for those taking a Civil Service Exam. Paper and pencil assessment. Free. For more information: 873-1833.

April 24 through April 28

$1 BAG SALE from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Humane Society Thrift Shop, 220 Milford St., Stealey. More items each day.

Through April 25

APPLICATIONS -- Fairmont State College School of Fine Arts accepts applications for music scholarships, available to students beginning in the 2000-2001 school year. For more information: Professor John Schooley, chairman of scholarship auditions, at 367-4169 or e-mail at

Tuesday, April 25

COMPUTER WORKSHOP -- "Introduction to Microsoft Excel 97" from 6-9 p.m. at West Virginia High Technology Consortium Foundation Computer Lab. Sponsor: Fairmont State Community and Technical College's Center for Workforce Education and WVHTCF. Fee: $90, includes workbooks and materials. Pre-register one week before workshop begins at 366-2577.

BI-MONTHLY covered-dish dinner meeting of the Wilsonburg Lions Club at 6:30 p.m. at the Wilsonburg church. For more information: 783-5381.

SARDIS COMMUNITY Council sponsors a presentation by Jim Minutelli of the American Red Cross at 2 p.m. He will discuss the purpose and benefits of the Red Criss. Refreshments served.

EMPLOYER APPRECIATION Awards Banquet at Westchester Village, Fairmont. Reception: 5:30-6:15 p.m. with dinner to follow. Host: Clarksburg District Office of the West Virginia Division of Rehabilitation Services.

BREATHE-FREE plan to stop smoking at 7 p.m. on the third floor of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, corner of Main and Chestnut streets, Clarksburg. For more information: 783-5349, 623-4663 or 622-3036.

STEALEY TERRACE Garden Club meets at 7:30 p.m. at Gertrude Creighton's home, Clarksburg. A ways and means auction will be featured. For more information: 622-1790.

FIFTH ANNUAL Cigar/Oyster Fest at 6:30 p.m. on the patio of the Tidewater Grill, 1060 Charleston Town Center, Charleston. Registration recommended. Cost: $69.95 per person. For more information: 345-2620. Rain date: April 28.

SPECIAL MEETING of Marine Corps League D.H.L. Detachment No. 981 to elect new officers at 7 p.m. at Veterans of Foreign Wars Post No. 573, Clarksburg. For more information: 623-3439.

BUFFET LUNCHEON from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in Crim Memorial United Methodist Church fellowship hall. Tickets at door $5. Take-out available at 10:30 a.m. Sponsor: Philippi Garden Club & All-Seasons Garden Club. For information: 457-2415.

MEET YOUR CANDIDATES Day at 10 a.m. in Barbour County Senior Center dining room, fourth floor, corner of Main and Church streets, Philippi.

ANNUAL YOUTH AWARDS presentations at 7 p.m. in the Assembly Room of Waldomore. Sponsor: Education Department of the Clarksburg Stonewall Jackson Civic Club. Randall Newlon, local artist, will have on display his Civil War paintings. Speaker: Nick Hollis, director of the Jennings Randolph and General James Longstreet Recognition projects. John H. Randolph and Lawrence Rine of the Jackson Cemetery Memorial Foundation will report on progress of Cemetery Restoration Program. For more information: 623-5067.

MEETING -- Greater Harrison County PSD board meeting at 8:30 a.m.

MEETING -- Clarksburg Housing Authority Board of Commissioners meets at 4 p.m. at Koupal Towers, 916 West Pike St., Clarksburg.

BRIDGEPORT LADIES Golf Association meets at 11:30 a.m. Lunch at noon. Summer golf season will be discussed. Winter bridge prizes will be awarded by Marge Campbell. For reservations or more information: 842-5056.

Wednesday, April 26

REGISTRATION DUE for the free electronic commerce workshop from 6-9 p.m. at Taylor County Tech Center, next to Grafton High School. Topic: "Introduction to Electronic Commerce." For more information or to register: 265-3938, (888)645-WVEB or email:

MODERN DANCE class from 6-7:30 p.m. at 120 Linden Ave., Clarksburg, in conjunction with National Dance Week. Instructor: Anna Pishner. Cost: $5. For reservations or more information: 624-5765.

BUFFET SALAD luncheon from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in Crim Memorial United Methodist Church fellowship hall. Sponsor: Philippi Garden Club and All Seasons Garden Club. Cost: $5. Benefits: Adaland Mansion. Take-outs available. For tickets or more information: 457-1123.

April 26 through April 28

REVIVAL at 7:30 p.m. daily at Upper Church with the Rev. Mike Arp of Flint, Mich. To get to the church, take West Pike Street exit off U.S. Route 50, turn south on West Pike Street, go past the Dairy Mart, turn right on South 24th Street. For more information: 622-7651. Bus service: 622-5439 or 842-4822.

Thursday, April 27

MOTHER-DAUGHTER Banquet at 6 p.m. at Stealey United Methodist Church. Entertainment. Sponsor: Stealey United Methodist Women. For more information: 623-0140.

TEAM CAPTAIN meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Benedum Civic Center, Bridgeport, for the Relay for Life (June 9-10). For more information: 622-0804, or 1-800-287-2317, ext. 16.

SCREENING -- Free Infant and Preschool Assessment Screening for Taylor County children from 8:20 a.m.-3 p.m. at Church of the Good Shepherd. By appointment only. Bring child's immunization record. For transportation: 265-4680. For appointments: 265-2497, ext. 23, or 265-2497, ext. 26.

HAM/SOUP BEAN dinner at 6:30 p.m. at St. Mark's Lutheran Church. Sponsor: Stonewall Jackson Amateur Radio Association. Cost: $3. For reservations: SJARA, P.O. Box 752, Clarksburg, WV, 26302.

GOSPEL CONCERT at 7 p.m. at Nathan Goff Armory. Sponsor: Clarksburg Mission. Performers: Janet Paschal and N'Harmony. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Tickets: $8 for adults, $6 for children under 12. Tickets available at Tolley's Bible Book Store near Super Wal-Mart, The Praise the Lord Store, Fairmont, and Clarksburg Mission. For more information: 622-2451. Proceeds benefit the Mission.

12TH ANNUAL free P.A.L.S. (Preschool Assessment of Local Students) screening from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. at Norwood Elementary School. No appointment necessary.

LUMBERPORT LIONS Club meets at 6:30 p.m at Sunset Ellis Restaurant. For more information: 592-2704.

AERIE MEETING of the Fraternal Order of Eagles at 8 p.m. at the aerie home, Clarksburg. Nomination of officers for 2000-2001. For more information: 622-7231.

CHICKEN DINNER -- Salem-Teikyo University Auxiliary will hold its annual chicken dinner from 5-7 p.m. at the Erickson Alumni Center. Tickets may be purchased at the door.

RAMP DINNER from 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Harrison County Senior Center. Cost: $3.50.

SWISS FOLK Dance/Flag Toss Class at 6 p.m. at Wilsonburg Elementary School. Instructor: Bruce Betler. Cost: $5. In conjunction with National Dance Week. For reservations or more information: 624-5765.

MEETING of the Harrison County Housing Authority at 4 p.m. at the Harrison County Courthouse, office of the Housing Authority, fourth floor.

April 27 through April 30

ACT II THEATRE Company presents Neil Simon's comedy "Jake's Women." Times: 8 p.m. on April 27, 28, 29; 2 p.m. on April 30. Tickets: $10 adults, $8 students and senior citizens. For tickets: 624-3357 or by e-mail

Friday, April 28

CLARKSBURG LIONS Club meet sat noon at Minard's Spaghetti Inn, East Pike Street. Lion Wes Thomas will present his personal reflections on World War II.

BENEFIT TEEN dance for Heaven McIntire from 7-10 p.m. at the Henderson Youth Center. Music provided by Sound Wave Entertainment with DJ Scott Gum. Food available for purchase. Sponsor: Big Hearted Friends Kid's Club. Proceeds will help pay medical bills for bone-marrow transplant recipient Heaven McIntire.

DEADLINE to donate items for the YWCA flea market on May 5. Household items needed. No clothing accepted. For more information: 624-6881.

PRE-RACE PARTY for MCM 2000 begins at 5 p.m. behind Texas Roadhouse in the Quality Farm and Country parking area. Admission: $5 per person. Mini-styled NASCAR best customized contest, fastest pit crew contest, best dressed team contest, door prizes, auction. Sponsor: Texas Roadhouse. Proceeds benefit Genesis Youth Center. For more information: Genesis at 622-1907.

SCHOOL CARNIVAL from 4:30-7:30 p.m. at Johnson Elementary School, Bridgeport. Many activities and refreshments.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE for a Children's Summer Art Studio at West Virginia University Creative Arts Center from June 10-30. Ages: 7-12. Time: 10-11:50 a.m., Monday-Friday. For more information: 293-2140, ext. 3138.

GRAND OPENING of the Broad Oaks United Methodist Church Thrift Shop, located downstairs from the church office, corner of Haymond Highway and Ross Street. Hours: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Fridays. Donations are accepted.

LYRICAL JAZZ class/performance at 4:30 p.m. at 120 Linden Ave. Theater, Clarksburg. Instructor: Lynette Demasi, Miss Harrison County 1999. Dance concert: 8 p.m., featuring Allegro Dance Company, Vicki Dilis, Salem Dance Company. Cost: $5 per class. In conjunction with National Dance Week. For reservations or more information: 624-5765.

FAITH HARMONY Boys will perform at 7 p.m. at Word of Life Assembly of God, U.S. Route 50 West, Sun Valley exit, Clarksburg. Pastor: George Mesto. For more information or directions: 842-5918 or 623-1543.

DEDICATION of new playground and community picnic shelter at 1 p.m. at Wilsonburg Elementary School. Sponsor: Wilsonburg Lions Club. For more information: 783-5381.

April 28 through April 30

WOMEN'S CONFERENCE at Nutter Fort Elementary School, off Joyce Street exit. Times: April 28 and 29 at 7 p.m.; April 30 at 2 p.m. Topic: "Women on the Move." Guest speakers, soloists, love offerings. Sponsor: Life More Abundantly Church.

Saturday, April 29

BEAN/CORNBREAD dinner from 4-7 p.m. at Lost Creek United Methodist Church. Adults: $5; children 12 and under: $2.50. Benefits: Summer Youth Church Camp.

SALEM DANCE Company will perform at 2 p.m. at Meadowbrook Mall. All-day clogging workshops. In conjunction with National Dance Week. For more information: 624-5765.

ANNUAL SPRING all-you-can-eat ramp dinner from noon-6 p.m. at U.S. Route 19, Walkersville. Sponsor: Walkersville Volunteer Fire Department.

SPRING GALA presented by West Virginia Italian Heritage Festival and Delallo's at 6:30 p.m. in the Loyal Order of Moose ballroom. Announcement of Regina Maria XXII and her court will be made. Dinner and dance follow. For reservations: Festival office at 622-7314.

GENESIS YOUTH Center presents the MCM 2000, a mini-styled NASCAR grand prix, from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at Newpointe Plaza in front of the Staples parking area. Free to public. Grand stand, refreshments.

SPRING GARDENING Clinic from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the 4-H Center, U.S. Route 19 south of Clarksburg. Sponsor: Harrison Co. Chapter of the Master Garderner's Assoc.

TALENT SHOW at 6 p.m. in Valley High School Auditorium. Six categories ranging from preschool to adult and mixed aged groups. First-, second- and-third place trophies awarded in each category. Entry fee: $5. For more information or to enter: 889-2407 or 386-4955. Sponsor: Short Line PTA.

DANCE, with Grey Beard, from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Eagles, 124 W. Pike St., Clarksburg.

NORTHCENTRAL West Virginia Basket Makers Guild meets at 11 a.m. at Tuccillo's Pizza, Rosebud Plaza, Clarksburg. Lunch is Dutch treat. Bring a project to complete. For more information: 783-5316.

CLEANUP -- The City of Philippi will participate in the Keep America Beautiful/West Virginia Make It Shine Statewide Cleanup 2000 by cleaning up litter along the Tygart River. Meet at the Blue and Gray Park, Philippi, at 10 a.m.

ANNUAL SPRING Fling from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Bake sale to benefit building fund of historic Quiet Dell Schoolhouse. Exit 115 off I-79, Route 20 south, just behind the Chevron Station in old Quiet Dell School. Free admission. For more information: 622-3304.

THREE RIVERS Gospel at 7 p.m. at Meadowdale United Methodist Church, W.Va. Route 73, Mt. Harmony Road, Fairmont. Guest singers: Gospel Music From The Heart based in Pittsburgh, Pa.

RAMP DINNER, including greens, from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. at Barbour County Vocational Center, Philip Barbour High School, U.S. Route 250 South, Philippi. Sponsor: Philippi Lions Club. Benefits: Sight and community projects. All you can eat for $6, adults; $3, children. For more information: 457-2466.

MEETING at 10:30 a.m. of the North Central West Virginia Parkinson Patient & Family Support Group in Wesbanco Bank conference room, Clarksburg. Speaker: Scott Robertson, CPA from Toothman Rice P.L.L.C. For more information: 363-1028.

HOMESCHOOL WORKSHOP/Information Day from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at Bible Fellowship Church, South Fairmont exit of I-79 in Whitehall. For more information: 534-4615 or 265-2088.

ITALIAN SAUSAGE hoagie dinner and flea market/craft show from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. in Lost Creek Acitivites Building bingo hall. Dinner: $5. Setup for vendors: $5. For more information and reservations: 745-4661. Take- outs available by calling 745-3723 the day of the dinner. Sponsor: Lost Creek Community Festival.

TEEN DANCE from 6-10 p.m. in Lost Creek Activities Building bingo hall. Admission: $4. DJ and refreshments. For more information: 745-4661. Sponsor: Lost Creek Community Festival.

SECOND ANNUAL Horseback Poker Ride at Wilderness Waterpark, Sycamore Road, off U.S. Route 50 west of Clarksburg. Donation: $12 per person/rider; non-riders 12 and under free. Sign-up: 9-11 a.m.; grub: 5 p.m.; tack sale: 6 p.m. Free tent camping. Live music: The Davisson Brothers. Benefits: Toys for Tots. Sponsor: Harrison County Chapter of Hard Times Benefit for Kids.

ANNUAL HELVETIA ramp supper from 3-8 p.m. or until food is gone at Helvetia Community Hall. Adults: $9; children 5-12: $5; under 5: free. Square dance: 9 p.m.-midnight. Admission: $4. Music: Chapparals. Sponsor: Helvetia CEOS Club/Helvetia Hall Association.

April 29 and April 30

WEST VIRGINIA Garden Club Inc. presents its 13th symposium from 8:30 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. at Mountaineer Conference Center, 2124 Harper Road, Beckley. For more information: Symposium Chairman Darlene Newell, P.O. Box 130, Lochgelly, WV 25866.

Through April 30

SPRING ART exhibit in Booth Library on the Davis & Elkins College campus. Wine and cheese reception from 4-6 p.m. today. Viewing hours: 2-10 p.m. Sundays; 8 a.m.-10 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Fridays, and noon-5 p.m. Saturdays.

Sunday, April 30

SINGLE MINGLE and dance at Westchester Village, 1825 Locust Ave., Fairmont. Doors open: 7 p.m.; dance: 7:30-11 p.m. Top 40s, oldies, country dance music with 92.7 WVHF's Bill Mahoney. Informal dress; door prizes. Admission: $7. For more information: 624-1100 or e-mail

SPAGHETTI dinner from 11:30 a.m.-5 p.m. at St. Ann's Catholic Church, Shinnston. Carry-outs available with own containers.

AUDITIONS for Allegro Dance Co. from 2-4 p.m. at 120 Linden Ave., Clarksburg. For more information: 624-5765.

FESTIVAL -- 21st annual Three Rivers Festival seeking contestants for the Little and Junior Miss Pageant. Little Miss division: Ages 5-8. Junior Miss division: Ages 9-12. For applications: Amy Berardi, Little Miss director, No. 3 Tiger Trail, Fairmont, WV, 26554, or Michelle Patterson Gallo, Junior Miss Director, Route 3, Box 136, Fairmont, WV, 26554.

SPAGHETTI dinner from noon-6 p.m. at Via Veneto's. Take outs available. Sponsor: St. Mary's/Notre Dame School. Adults: $6; children: $4.

SAINT JAMES the Apostle Catholic Church will host a reception from 2-3:30 p.m. at St. James Grade School gymnasium, North 21st Street, North View section of Clarksburg. Purpose: To honor the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Wheeling.

SPAGHETTI dinner from 11:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. at Holy Rosary Church, 35 Franklin St., Buckhannon. Adults: $5, children ages 3-12: $3; under 3: free.

(print version)


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